Greetings, I'm very happy so far in these 2 days since started working with zero, very good job guys!
I asked [email protected] a few questions before buying the product, specifically this one about offline payments / wire transfers:
Can we use the subscription management module with offline payments? I think you are talking about payments via wire transfer etc... Yes but in that case, you need to modify the Tenant's subscription dates manually on the AspNet Zero Tenants page.
But I can't find anywhere where I can register manual payment information for a tenant. Can anybody help me figure this out please?
Thanks, Geo
Greetings, I just started to develop my first zero solution.
Followed this link found in this forum:
Used the Official MySQL EF Core Provider.
When I run the Migrator I get this error: An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. TypeLoadException: Method 'Create' in type 'MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.MySQLSqlTranslatingExpressionVisitorFactory' from assembly 'MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' does not have an implementation.
MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Extensions.MySQLServiceCollectionExtensions.AddEntityFrameworkMySQL(IServiceCollection services)
When I tried using the Pomelo EF Core Provider I get versioning conflicts
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Geo
Has anybody tested the new Cosmos DB Provider as for aspnet zero?