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Activities of "gterdem"

Hello @Jorahealth,

Can you check your application log that if your application gets shut down after being idle some time? It may be related to your IIS shutting down the application invalidating the token.

Hello @bulutyonetim

You can scaffold your database to code first and having your domain model as code. Afterwards you need to update your entities manually.

Lets say you have a Person table and after scaffolding you have a Person entity as follows:

public class Person {
public Guid Id {get; set;} public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } }

You need to manually update this entity to benefit features like:

public class Person : Entity<Guid> { public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } }

For more info, you can check here:

Hello @devloo At first glance, there may be two reasons why you might not be getting email claim;

  1. You're not requesting email scope as a client
  2. You're requesting email scope but identity provider doesn't handle what to return when email scope is requested.

Try navigating to https://YOUR_DOMAIN/.well-known/openid-configuration and check if email scope is supported. Also, what is your authorization server? Is it an other AspnetZero application?

About connecting AspnetZero application to each other, answers at the post may be useful:'s-auth-to-zero-project

Hello @razkhan78,

For a starter, i would change the line var product = await _productRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item.Key.Value); to var product = await _productRepository.FirstAsync(item.Key.Value); to ensure the product is not null by monitoring the logs.

Also in this line: var productPaymentDetail = _ProductPaymentDetailRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.ProductPaymentId == (int)input.Id && x.ProductId != null).GroupBy(x => x.ProductId); You're probably casting string input to int which may cause unexpected results causing productPaymentDetail to null hence skipping updating the product.

Hello @denis.karovic,

Can you try insert queries in an isolated unit of work and try again? You can check here about it:

Hello @trungbttsd,

I think implementing front-channel logout will solve your problem. However it is a bit complicated and tricky at first glance.

Updating IdentityServer Clients

You need to update your identityServer clients with the following:

  • Set FrontChannelLogoutUri to $"{webClientRootUrl}Account/FrontChannelLogout". webClientRootUrl will be your client url. We'll implement FrontChannelLogout method in AccountController
  • Set FrontChannelLogoutRequired to true

Updating AccountController

  • Add FrontChannelLogout method to your AccountController. Sample code is here.
  • Update your Logout method in your AccountController. Sample code is here. You need to get logoutContext using logoutId. LogoutContext has information of PostLogoutRedirectUri and SignOutIFrameUrl. So you can redirect to SignedOut (or LoggedOut) page to display the iframe that will signout of all other clients.

Add LoggedOut Page

You need to add a new page to redirect after logging out, to signout from other clients and/or redirect back to your client. You can see sample implementations of our LoggedOut.cshtml and LoggedOut.cshtml.cs.

I hope this will be helpful.

You can make a request to end_session_endpoint. You can check identityserver endpoint at https://myidentityserver/.well-known/openid-configuration.

However trying to signing out all the clients (Single Sign Out) is a different story and you need to implement either front-channel or back-channel logout and i think that is not your case.

Try removing / in your cors origin configuration.

Can you give more information about your issue and share some code to show that what you are trying to achieve and what exactly occurs?

It is not related with enc_auth_token. It is related with the length of the query string. Even if your second sample is working in localhost, it won't be working on production since domain name will probably be longer then localhost.

General rule of thumb is not to exceed 2048 chars. You may want to read more here

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