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Activities of "hitaspdotnet"

Hi, Is possible to split Identity service to separate project for using as microservice with Jwt , ApiGateway?

Hi, How you can mapping your entities from different assemblies? I have a entity in a class library named ShopModule with a entity named Customer. I want make OTO relation between Customers and AbpUser. A user can be a Customer that not required for all users. But a customer must be a User. I am a beginner and my attempt to create this relationship is confused cycle reference driving between assemblies.

Can I add a menu without permission required in the main menu? If yes whats my wrong?


public class CommerceServiceNavigationProvider : NavigationProvider
        public override void SetNavigation(INavigationProviderContext context)
                    new MenuItemDefinition(
                        url: "App/Commerce",
                        icon: "fa fa-home"
                    new MenuItemDefinition(
                        url: "App/About",
                        icon: "fa fa-info"

        private static ILocalizableString L(string name)
            return new LocalizableString(name, CommerceServiceConsts.LocalizationSourceName);


public class CommerceServiceWebModule : AbpModule
        public override void PreInitialize()

                new EmbeddedResourceSet(


        public override void Initialize()

Then I used [DependsOn(typeof(CommerceServiceWebModule)] attribute at MyAppWebCoreModule But nothing to show

EF core 2 not supporting many-to-many relations without fluent or join table right now. I read a article in APB documents that related to use Data layer for mapping and data filters. So if I had a module class library please give me the tips whats steps to create CustomModelBuilder for fluent API in MyModule? I'm student special thanks for any help with inline simple code. Regards

I have just come up with an idea. Is it possible for any tenant to have a special domain name? For example a tenant with "{TenantName}" URL have "{TenantName}.com" based on host tenant.

My project is a eCommerce platform I want Users can build their own store with dedicated URL as feature edition. I think we need a special UI generator with API calling to {TenantName} but I'm not sure Any idea please? :roll:

Hi. Why the client side code generator isn't modified by entity namespace for menu and childs position when using Rad tools? :( How to add new items to list?

Showing 11 to 16 of 16 entries