I've been playing with a project in order to evaluate the ASP.Net Boilerplate potential for new projects and I have the following doubts related to the Jtable:
Is it possible to setup breakpoints? I would like to auto-hide some columns in certain situations.
The grids paging information is currently being displayed using the default language specified in the "Region and Language settings" instead of the selected localised language? Is there a fix for this?
The grids are displaying "no results to show" while still loading. Is there a way to change this? (additionally this message is also being displayed in the windows language)
In a previous post (about 9 months ago) you mentioned that you couldn't provide a date but you were thinking to replace the JqeuryUI with boostrap. Any plan at this stage?
How hard would be to replace the Jtable with another grid? Is this feasible? I've been using the FooTable jQuery plugin in other projects and I was thinking in replacing the JTable.
Kind regards, Hugo