Hi Team,
We are using ASP.NET MVC 5.x & JQuery and AspZero version is we have integrated ADFS. We are facing an issue while user registration via ADFS. Let me explain with example
Suppose in AD, account is Mike Smith. When this user login to site for first time via ADFS, their account will create as Mike Mike. Need to fix this so that proper account name is created.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi, we have ADFS enabled in our project but it is not mandatory. Some users login via application credentials while some uses AD user account to login. However, when session expires, all users redirect to ADFS login page. How can we handle this scenario and have users always redirect to /Account/Login when session timeouts.
Startup.cs code looks like this:
int ExpireFromDays = 1;
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login"),
SlidingExpiration = true,
ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(ExpireFromDays),
Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
OnResponseSignIn = signInContext =>
signInContext.Properties.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
signInContext.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(ExpireFromDays));
I am using jtable in Net zero application. i have total of 6 columns. I set the width of all columns to make it 100%. On fronted I hide one column and then the width of all columns get changed again. What i want that width of one of the column should be fixed even after hide column on right click of jtable.
Hi am building one Winforms application (Separate from abp zero solution) which uses exact copy of database present in my web application. We have created mechanism to sync data between desktop app and web app (ABP Zero based). This is because mostly desktop app will work offline.
My question is: Is there any way I can match user password on my Desktop application using your DLL’s.
I have imported abp zero DLL’s into my desktop application in order to use this method:
var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(userID, txtPassword.Text, "Default");
But I am stuck when I am calling form from Program.cs file.
Here is my Login form:
public partial class Login : Form { private readonly LogInManager _logInManager; public Login(LogInManager logInManager) { _logInManager = logInManager; InitializeComponent(); }
How to call this from program.cs... I am trying to open Login form as startup:
` public class Program { private readonly LogInManager _logInManager; public Program(LogInManager logInManager) { _logInManager = logInManager; }
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
//------- THis line is not working as this is static class
Application.Run(new Login(_logInManager));
This line is giving me error:
Application.Run(new Login(_logInManager));
OR is there any method we can use ABP Zero DLL's to match passwords offile?
Hi Team,
I have created the hangfire job in the ASPNET.ZERO application.Application does not require any user access and job needs to be execute every day at some specific time. When i deployed the application on IIS, hangfire jobs stopped working after some day. Since the job starts immediately when a user access the website, this makes me think that the application pool is suspended and it is “awaken” when the user access the website.
I also set the start mode to "Always running" in IIS.
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance.
How can i do the col span in jtable?
I have two tables table1 and table2. table2 has foreign key relationship with table1. Table2 contains the table1_fk_Id column. Now i am using following code to insert data into both tables:-
Table1 record = _objectMapper.Map<Table1>(input);
await _Table1Repository.InsertAsync(record);
(where input is table1 dto class which contains Navigation Property of table2.)
This code is working fine. It is inserting record in both tables. I want to know how can i update both the tables, because when i tried to update it is only updating table1 record.
How can i set the minimum length of password to 4. Currently i set the MinPlainPasswordLength to 4 in User class which works on client side but when the request is going to server it is giving error that password should be 6 characters minimum.
The error is coming from ChangePasswordAsync method. Please suggest to reduce minimum password length.
I want to access a page without login. I have added [AllowAnonymous] but applccation redirect to login page every time. How we can stop this and access page without login?