Rather than creating a new method without AbpAuthorization, can we make the hangfire jobs to run under a particular role always e.g. Admin or User?
Thanks @ismcagdas
We are using custom implementation for file uploads and they are being stored in file system. I guess we'll be better off using a unc path to avoid replication of files. Do you have any other suggestions?
Hi @ismcagdas
I was able to follow that article and successfully implemented it. But it looks like there is no authentication to odata this way. Any idea on how we can add authentication to it?
Could you please shed some light on the steps required to achieve this?
Is it possible that an invalid SSL certificate for Web API project could cause this issue?
Same issue
@ismcagdas, unfortunately it does not work with multi tenancy as well.
Could you please try the following-
int ExpireFromMin = 1;
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login"),
SlidingExpiration = false,
ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ExpireFromMin),
Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
OnResponseSignIn = signInContext =>
signInContext.Properties.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
signInContext.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ExpireFromMin));
Now after one minute of inactivity, it will redirect you to AD FS for reauthentication. But instead, you'll go in to redirection loop.
Please let me know. This issue is becoming a pressing one.
Is there anyway we can generate JSON object automatically from Enums? So that we won't have to edit JS code everytime we have a new value in Enums.
I found a beatuiful way to do this.. So I thought to share it here as well.
There is lilbrary called Delegate Decomplier..
On high level, we create readonly properties with NotMapped and Computed(provided by DelegateDecompiler) attributes and add all logic in those properties.
When we write query, we only call extra method ".DecompileAsync()" and then ".ToListAsync()", it will automatically modifies the query that can be understood by SQL.
If you want to learn more about it, must read: https://daveaglick.com/posts/computed-properties-and-entity-framework
Hmm.. for simplicity sake I did not post entire conditions.
Please check my updated question. I have included full condition there.
Your solution will not work when user wants to search for a status by text. Any other ideas? Some thoughts I have -
But these will require queries/functions to be stored on SQL Server which I do not like. Any other way to use do this purely using C# ?