I received the email and responded. Sorry for late reply.
I've dropped the foreign keys and it works. Thanks for your supporting.
I tried to reproduce with your steps but it stills "Are you sure?", no matter what I've changed in database or xml files.
Is there any updates? Did you try to change text of key "AreYouSure"? And it still shows "Are you sure?", since this text is gotten from other source.
I've implemented function to detect tenant by domain name, but I got error when logging with social account like facebook.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK_dbo.AbpUsers_dbo.AbpUsers_CreatorUserId". The conflict occurred in database "***", table "dbo.AbpUsers", column 'Id'.
This issue is also happened with SubdomainTenancyNameFinder. I can login/ register with external login by entering Tenancy name manually.
Thanks for you supporting. I did workaround by creating JavaScript object manually.
No, I did not delete default language. I've just added new language and set it as default. I've tried to run the project which I downloaded from the start, then tried to change text for key AreYouSure to "test", but sweet alert still display as "Are you sure?".
I sent to you an email with my project and backup database yesterday. Can you reproduce the isue?
Thanks for your supporting :)
what is your email address? I have this issue when creating new language and set it as default. I tried to add english language again, but when I change text for key AreYouSure. The title for sweet alert is not updated.