Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "imad"





Changing the scope to RequiresNew, solved the problem and i am getting the same behavior as if i am executing in a default app service methods. My objects are using foreign keys with cascadedelete so the delete is automatically handled by EF.

Is there any possible way to disable the SoftDelete filter while executing a delete to do a physical delete (check the second part of my question)?

Thank you.



I ended up overriding the CancelDeletionForSoftDelete in my dbContext:

protected override void CancelDeletionForSoftDelete(System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry entry)
            if (!this.CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current.IsFilterEnabled(Abp.Domain.Uow.AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete))


Hi I am using version 2.0.1,

While looking at the profiler, i see the following execution queries:

1.INSERT [dbo].[AbpNotifications] 2.INSERT [dbo].[AbpBackgroundJobs] 3.Select FROM [dbo].[AbpBackgroundJobs] 4.Select FROM [dbo].[AbpNotifications] 5.Select FROM [dbo].[AbpNotificationSubscriptions] (returns 1 row) 6.DELETE [dbo].[AbpNotifications] 7.DELETE [dbo].[AbpBackgroundJobs]

There is no insert into AbpTenantNotifications or AbpUserNotifications where others notifications usually are.

Thank you.

Any Help, or guidance? is this a bug or i am missing something in the steps?


This is the first point i suspected, but as you can see step N-5 there is one users subscribed to this event.

and here is the table AbpNotificationSubscriptions UserId NotificationName 2 App.NewDataSourceCreated 2 App.UserSignedIn 2 App.NewUserRegistered 2 App.NewDataProjectCreated 2 App.NewDashboardCreated

I am successfully receiving notification for App.UserSignedIn because its defined in the Core module AppNotifier.

And Sorry i cant share my project. Thank you.


After further testing, if i remove the permissionDependency from my NotificationDefinition, I successfully receive the notification, although I am sure that the current user has the required permission when i enable the permission dependency the notification is not sent.

If the assigned permissions has multiTenancySides it will not work, if i remove the multiTenancySides on permission creation the notification is sent.

Hope this will help with the troubleshooting. Thank you.

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