Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jdavis01"


I'm working on an application, where I need to extend user profiles to include some application settings. What would be your best practice recommendations?

I'm thinking I should extend the user entity to include their settings then update the user profile Dto's


I am implementing a web client print utility that allows direct printing of ZPL commands to a zebra printer. These ZPL commands are built based on a product selection and typically done directly inside my controllers. Given the layering in abp would you suggest moving this action to a method in the application layer that returns the formatted command string through the service?

I downloaded the 4.0 Core - Jquery with 4.6 framework to upgrade an existing project. and now i am getting , "Internal Error has occurred ! " on modal creation. I was perplexed so I created a new project and started copying the PhoneBook example into the new project and the same thing happens. Is there a log to view so i can see what is happening?

So I posted having a problem earlier with the ASPNet.core MVC & JQuery version 4.0.0 and thought that syntax was the issue however i have the same problem again. Here is what I am doing.

I copy the _empty.js file from the view-resources/areas/app/views/common/modals/empty to lets say a Suppliers folder (view-resources/areas/app/views/common/modals/suppliers/)

I rename the _empty.js file to _CreateSupplierModal.js and paste the following code

(function () {
    var _createSupplierModal = new app.ModalManager({
        viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'App/Suppliers/CreateSupplierModal',
        scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Suppliers/_CreateSupplierModal.js',
        modalClass: 'CreateSupplierModal'

    // Grab the person service for CRUD Operations
    var _supplierService =;

    //Create person button
    $('#CreateNewSupplierButton').click(function (e) {


this modal will not fire. I have to create a new javascript file and name it something like _CreateSupplierModalWindow and use this code it works fine.

(function () {
    var _createSupplierModal = new app.ModalManager({
        viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'App/Suppliers/CreateSupplierModal',
        scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Suppliers/_CreateSupplierModalWindow.js',
        modalClass: 'CreateSupplierModal'

    // Grab the person service for CRUD Operations
    var _supplierService =;

    //Create person button
    $('#CreateNewSupplierButton').click(function (e) {


I have tried to delete the tainted files and re-create them but it does not work. I didn't have any problems whatsoever of this nature using Visual Studio 2015 and MVC5 version.

What are your thoughts and am I overlooking something.

I have this really annoying issue on schema modification and add-migration..

Using Visual Studio 2017 15.2.26430.6 and AspNetZero Template AspNet.Core MVC & JQuery on Framework 4.6.1

Everytime I update the schema, add migration the update-database command will not execute because the build fails.

The error code is CS1001 Identifier expected and it is coming from a blank using statement (using;) in both the PROJECTAMEDbcontextModelSnapshot.cs file and the migration file just created from the add-migration command.

If I modify these files to remove the "using;" statements and save the build is just fine until I modify the schema again and add a migration..

Not sure if you have seen this or not but it is rather an annoying issue and would love to see if you have some feedback on it ..

I am running an internal site on AspNet Core mVC JQuery on framework 4.6.1.

Here are the application smtp settings (fake values of course) :

from address: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> from Name: First Last

Host: ##.##.##.## Use SSL = false Use default address: Yes

Send To address: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

Here is the error that is generated

ERROR 2017-06-08 07:00:02,489 [27   ] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Setting value for 'Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.UserName' is null or empty!
Abp.AbpException: Setting value for 'Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.UserName' is null or empty!
   at Abp.Net.Mail.EmailSenderConfiguration.GetNotEmptySettingValue(String name)
   at Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.SmtpEmailSenderConfiguration.get_UserName()
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.ConfigureClient(SmtpClient client)
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.Build()
   at Abp.MailKit.MailKitEmailSender.BuildSmtpClient()
   at Abp.MailKit.MailKitEmailSender.<SendAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

So here is the kicker .. I have another app that uses System.Net.Mail and no issues with the same settings and no errors..



I have updated my AspNetZero Template to the latest 4.3.1 MVC Core, Jquery, .Net 4.6.1

I am once again not able to send emails on this newer version. Previously I had this issue and I was able to resolve it by changing the UserEmailer.cs file in the Core project to implement ISMTPEmailSender instead of IEmaileSender.

Here is the link to my post on how I fixed it. #3353@c298aafa-2468-4ece-a07a-5bdd53d021f6

Here is the error:

ERROR 2017-08-18 11:21:07,043 [11   ] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - The SMTP server does not support authentication.
System.NotSupportedException: The SMTP server does not support authentication.
   at MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient.Authenticate(Encoding encoding, ICredentials credentials, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailKit.MailService.Authenticate(String userName, String password, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.ConfigureClient(SmtpClient client)
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.Build()
   at Abp.MailKit.MailKitEmailSender.BuildSmtpClient()

So I removed all Credentials and now I am back to the UserName is Null..

ERROR 2017-08-18 11:25:16,012 [32   ] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Setting value for 'Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.UserName' is null or empty!
Abp.AbpException: Setting value for 'Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.UserName' is null or empty!
   at Abp.Net.Mail.EmailSenderConfiguration.GetNotEmptySettingValue(String name)
   at Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.SmtpEmailSenderConfiguration.get_UserName()
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.ConfigureClient(SmtpClient client)
   at Abp.MailKit.DefaultMailKitSmtpBuilder.Build()

Is smtp server authentication required ??
Is there another implementation ?

this application is an internal app and will run on private servers with a notification server inside the firewall. there is no authentication configured and uses port 25.

I am pulling my hair out on this one.. Seems simple but has me held up badly..

Can you advise?

Just downloaded the 4.5.1 version of aspnetzero ( Aspnet Core & Jquery 4.61 framework) and it will not build.

I am getting like 800 namespace issues and conflicting libs errors. I tried to update the packages and no good.


I don't seem to get any Intellisense when working with *.js files and abp app services.

Example below..

var _personService =;

Any thoughts?

So I am having a bit of an issue when I try to save related model data. I am adding the phoneBook sample to my current project for demonstration sake and when I try to save a person phone number i get the following error....

INFO  2017-11-10 16:46:16,524 [13   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Executed action wcb.ScratchPad.Web.Areas.App.Controllers.PhoneBookController.AddPhone (wcb.ScratchPad.Web.Mvc) in 437.2537ms
ERROR 2017-11-10 16:46:16,697 [13   ] nostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware - An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request
System.InvalidOperationException: The property 'Phones' on entity type 'Person' is being accessed using the 'Reference' method, but is defined in the model as a collection navigation property. Use the 'Collection' method to access collection navigation properties.
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.NavigationEntry.GetNavigation(InternalEntityEntry internalEntry, String name, Boolean collection)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.EntityEntry`1.Reference[TProperty](Expression`1 propertyExpression)
   at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Repositories.EfCoreRepositoryBase`3.EnsurePropertyLoadedAsync[TProperty](TEntity entity, Expression`1 propertyExpression, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Abp.Domain.Repositories.RepositoryExtensions.<EnsurePropertyLoadedAsync>d__2`3.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()
   at wcb.ScratchPad.People.PersonAppService.&lt;AddPhone&gt;d__6.MoveNext()

Not sure why ICollection of Phones in the person entity is not considered a navigation property..

Could be the end of the day has the brain tired..

Showing 1 to 10 of 30 entries