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I finally figured it out. At least this specific issue. Since these tables were already there I auto generated the classes from the database in a different project and then copied pasted them into the site. For some reason it created a key for both the Id and FileDate. So it was lumping those items together. I didn't even notice that. That is why they were duplicated. As soon as I commented it out like below it worked.

                .HasKey(e => e.Id);
            //    .HasKey(e => e.FileDate);

I PM you.

I was looking at that but wasn't sure how I could use the Angular currencyPipe {{b | currency:'USD':true:'4.2-2'}}

Unfortunately that did not work.

Does this have something to do with Entity Framework Core? This didn't happen until I upgraded to 4.0

I am using the .NET Framework 4.6.1 version not the .NET Core 1.1 version.

Ok thank you

Yes that is the line causing the issue.

I can't send the data from the database as it has sensitive data. But below is the entity.

public class Claim : IEntity<long>
        [Column(Order = 0)]
        public long Id { get; set; }

        [Column(Order = 1, TypeName = "date")]
        public DateTime FileDate { get; set; }

        public string EdiFileName { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "date")]
        public DateTime? LoadDate { get; set; }

        public string PaymentAmount { get; set; }

        public string PayerID { get; set; }

        public string PayerName { get; set; }

        public string PayeeId { get; set; }


Nice find. I will try that out.

@trendline I have had a ton of issues with this and no haven't completely gotten it yet. If I figure something out I will reply here. If you figure something out, let me know.

Oh I see, thank you

Anyone else having as many issues as I am with the 4.0 upgrade? I finally got the migrations to create the tables but it never runs the seed methods

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