Oh yes, good call on the version of Resharper. I just updated to version 2016.3.1 and now all is good.
Thank you.
I am running TypeScript version 2.1.5.
I am running ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.1
I read that those dependencies are only for OSX operating system. I found out that I was able to run the project and it technically works even though it says the dependencies are not installed. But the issue I am having is when I open up any of the typescript files they all seem broken and want me to import modules. I added a screenshot to show you what I mean.
Thank you for the reply.
I am still having issues. It is not compatible with my OS. Below is the warnings I got. I am running on Windows 10 with the latest updates.
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents: npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
Excuse me for my inexperience with Angular2, npm and nodejs.
I am having issues with "Dependencies -not installed". I have the latest nodejs and npm installed. But I am unsure when you guys say "npm install" when I do that exactly. When I open the AngularUI solution in visual studio I can right click on the npm folder and try restore packages but it always fails. I am guessing I need to somehow install it through nodejs, but not sure how you do that exactly. Am I missing the documentation that says how to do that?
I have an Zero app that still uses apb which means I am unable to add the disable auditing attribute to the password property. I can only add it to the CreateOrUpdateUser method. I would rather not add it to the method since I would ultimately like to log when a user is either creating or editing another user.
I tried a couple of different things. I tried creating a new attribute like this...
/// <summary>
/// Used to disable auditing for a single method or
/// all methods of a class or interface.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public class DisableAuditingPropertyAttribute : Attribute
But that did not work. I also tried inheriting from the original DisableAuditingAttribute but that didn't work either. It kept logging the password.
public class DisableAuditingPropertyAttribute : DisableAuditingAttribute
Does anyone have any ideas for the older version of abp? I must be missing something.
I will try to figure it out. The project is too big to send over email.
The only only thing I do to reproduce it is find the user in the user liat and click the impersonate user. It immediately errors out.
I am having an issue impersonating the user. It looks like it has to do with the anti-forgery token was meant for a different claims-based user. Below you can see some of the log entries when I try to impersonate...
WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,120 [35 ] ity.AntiForgery.AbpMvcAntiForgeryManager - The provided anti-forgery token was meant for a different claims-based user than the current user. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,121 [35 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Empty or invalid anti forgery header token. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,121 [35 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Requested URI: <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/session/GetCurrentLoginInformations">http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/ ... formations</a> WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,228 [18 ] ity.AntiForgery.AbpMvcAntiForgeryManager - The provided anti-forgery token was meant for a different claims-based user than the current user. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,228 [18 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Empty or invalid anti forgery header token. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,228 [18 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Requested URI: <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/userLink/GetRecentlyUsedLinkedUsers">http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/ ... inkedUsers</a> WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,230 [56 ] ity.AntiForgery.AbpMvcAntiForgeryManager - The provided anti-forgery token was meant for a different claims-based user than the current user. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,231 [56 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Empty or invalid anti forgery header token. WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,231 [56 ] rity.AntiForgery.AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter - Requested URI: <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/notification/GetUserNotifications">http://localhost:6241/api/services/app/ ... ifications</a> WARN 2016-11-15 08:16:45,299 [18 ] Abp.Logging.LogHelper - Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException: Current user did not login to the application!
Awesome, that totally worked. Thank you hikalkan.