<cite>daws: </cite> I think that's just a matter of url/ip redirection.
Easy for you to say! ;-)
I'm still getting my head around this framework, and not a strong programmer. I stumbled on this project through a convoluted web search.
In looking in RouteConfig.cs I'd expect something like this to be there. I know this isn't correct. But what else am I going to have to tweak to make this work?
name: RouteConfig.TenantName,
url: "{" + RouteConfig.TenantName + "}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { tenent = Tenent.DefaultTenentCode, Controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}
Sorry for such a general request, but I found this trying to figure out what others have done to offer a persistent subdomain when users login to their account. I was researching middle-ware options when I stumbled upon this project.