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Activities of "kacey"

Awesome. Everything is fine now. Thank you so much. I'll continue to explore tbe framework while building my application.

Okay I finally figured it out. I discovered I needed to set the permission appropriately in the database and configure the angular route properly for it to work. However, I don't seem to get why the application redirects to another page instead of the homepage when I login successfully.

If I login as a host, it redirects to Users page, if login as a tenant, it goes to another page. I want it to redirect to homepage. How do I do that?

Thanks for your response. I included this: "multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant" and the navigation view worked as I expected it to work. But I noticed it also affected other pages I needed the Host to see so I decided to create another permission name and tie it to the subject page. Below was what I did;

<ins>in PermissionNames Class;</ins>

public const string Pages_Schools_Users = "Pages.Schools.Users";

<ins>AuthorizationProvider Class;</ins>

var schoolUsers = pages.CreateChildPermission(PermissionNames.Pages_Schools_Users, L("SchoolUsers"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant);

<ins>NavigationProvider Class;</ins>

new MenuItemDefinition(
                        url: "#subjects",
                        icon: "fa fa-info",
                        requiredPermissionName: PermissionNames.Pages_Schools_Users

After doing the above, the menuItem for subjects didn't appear both for host and tenant user. Please what did I miss?

Thank you. I'll do just that. boilerplate is a template to build enterprise data-driven solutions. And with Entity Framework integration, you certainly need to get SQL Server installed for it to work. When the template is executed, it tries to create tables automatically on SQL Server for you. So if there's no SQL server installed, you can't use it at all.

Since you are a newbie to ASP.NET, I recommend that you build yourself up by starting with basic programming and other .NET technologies. It is not advisable to take up boilerplate as a newbie to as you will get frustrated because of the code practices it was built with.

Good luck.


Thanks for your response. While waiting for a response to my questions, I figured it out after several of hours of trials and studying the framework several times over. However, I'm now stuck with triggering events (email notifications) through EventBus For changes with some entities. I guess my issue is implementing an email service to handle the notification events. I didn't see clear examples to guide me in the documents on the website. You think you can put me through or I would have to create a fresh thread for this question?


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