I have created 2 projects, let say projectA and projectB, which projectA enabled identity server integration and projectB has some apis will be consumed. I have tested password and client crediantial grant types, access token can be fetched successfully from projectA but when I invoke apis in projectB, 403 forbidden is returned. I found that 403 returned only when I use AbpAuthorized attribute, if I use authorized instead, api can be called successfully. Could you give me some advise?
And another question, if I specify the permission of the api in projectB (for example, specified attribute 'AbpAuthorized(Permission.XXXX)', will Abp check if the user has such permission?
I have develpered 2 modules, say ModuleA, and ModuleB. In ModuleB, I have created an event handler for AbpTenantBase Created, and in somewhere of ModuleA, I add a new AbpTenant record. This event handler above in moduleB is executed but _unitOfWorkManager.Current is null which is not expected by me. How can I fix this? Thanks!