We tried upgrading Visual Studio but it doesn't work with our version of ASP.NET Zero. We are running into similar issues as: https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/11843/Receiving-this-error-httpsgithubcomaspnetboilerplateaspnetboilerplateissues6755
I have another laptop, which didn't upgrade to the Power Tools 4.4.0, and all is good there. So, all we need is ability to downgrade to a previous version of Power Tools for now.
Sorry, I am not able to share our project with you at this point.
We are at the version 12.3.1 and experienced the same issue when we tried using VS 17.9.x It was fixed after downgrading it to 17.8.5 Upgrading Castle.Windsor.MsDependencyInjection NuGet packages didn't help.
I already have that file on our own instance of framework and can see the content on our end , your reply about you need to change this function to handle your requirement.
was not helpful since I am not sure why we need to modify an internal file on framework to support env agnostic deployments.
Issue created: https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/4957
Some more info:
We are currently migrating to version 12.2.1 of the framework, which uses ABP v8.2.0. Our current version in production is using v7.1.0 of ABP.
In both cases same exception is thrown.
This is great to hear, thanks.
Thanks for the confirmation. I will close the issue. Peja
I got it working by applying changes similar to what we did earlier for 'removing tenant from the login screen'.
I added following code to TokenAuthController.SendTwoFactorAuthCode() Can you please review and let me know if this is correct change and if something should be removed or added?
public async Task SendTwoFactorAuthCode([FromBody] SendTwoFactorAuthCodeModel model)
using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
var user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(model.UserId);
var tenantId = await _userManager.TryGetTenantIdOfUser(user.UserName);
//var cacheKey = new UserIdentifier(AbpSession.TenantId, model.UserId).ToString();
var cacheKey = new UserIdentifier(tenantId, model.UserId).ToString();