That was it :)
It looks like that Cloudflare will strip any header containing dot (.) character. So I searched it up a bit and realized that I can configure my app to use some other header name for TenandId.
I ended up adding this line into {MyApp}CoreModule.cs:
//Clouflare doesn't like default TenantIdResolveKey Abp.TenantId
Configuration.MultiTenancy.TenantIdResolveKey = "MyApp-TenantId";
Also, I changed this line in abp.js:
abp.multiTenancy.tenantIdCookieName = 'MyApp-TenantId';
Also, needed to adjust some test cases on server side that are utilizing TenandIdResolveKey
I tested it and it looks good when deployed with cloudflare.
Can you please confirm if those changes are enough?
Thanks again for the quick turnaround on this issue.
I just sent you an email with required information. We can provide additinal information. Thanks for your help, Peja
All tenants are using same domain
Thanks, that worked. Peja
Thanks, what is the easiest way of doing that? I've sent mail to [email protected] Thanks, Peja
Thanks. Than I guess we can close this ticket. Maybe, you guys can update the instructions for removing tenant from the login screen based on this ticket? For us, not forcing users to select tenant on the login is very useful feature from user experience point. Regards, Predrag
As you can see on the screenshot, the value is 2 which corresponds to globex tenant. Initially it worked, but once I was logged in as globex tenant and I went back to Host it is still showing TenandId cookie to be 2.
I tried logging in using both id (admin) or email ([email protected]) and in both cases I am getting same error
In the meanwhile I managed to get around issue #2 by changing external link opening functionality in side-bar-menu.component.html like this:
*ngIf="!item.items.length && item.external"
class="menu-link menu-toggle"
[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ item: item, parentItem: parentItem }"
... and defining openInNewTab() method in side-bar-menu.component.ts:
openInNewTab(url) {, '_blank').focus();
However It is still not clear to me why the existing functionality to opening external links in side-bar-menu.component.html won't work, and at the same time, very similar code in top-bar-menu.component.html works fine. Anyhow, hopefully you guys can provide some insight.
Also, one more issue found:
3. Dockerfile.original in aspnet-core stil references aspnet 5.0
It worked fine when I changed it to 6.0
Thanks and Regards, Peja
Thanks, information sent. Predrag