Is there a way to disable a endpoint in swagger so that the user don't see it in the swagger docs, but can still be accessed by other classes in the project?
Hi! :)
Is there a easy way to have the "My settings" modal open when users logs in for the first time? We use OpenId Connect and we dont get a name or email from the Id-provider so we need the user to add it by them selfs.
Thanks for all help!
What should we use for Front-end testing in Aspnet Core and Angular 6? Any thoughs? :)
I want to add a new Identity Provider with OpenId Connect, what is the steps for doing so?
Thanks :)
I'm wondering about whats recommended for writing tests for front-end with Angular 6? Can't seem to find any information about it in the documentation.
Thank you :)
Is there any guidelines for code review using Asp.net Zero? When using the PowerTool a lot of files are auto generated, so which files should we focus on. Reviewing over 50 files every time feels a bit waste of time... Feels like we shoud have some guildelines to follow or make :)
Is there a way to find out which organization unit a user is member of? Or do you have to loop through all units and check if the user is in one of the units?
Thanks :)
Is it possible to extend with the option of uploading or embedd videos? Using Aspnet Core + Angular 6
Does Aspnet Zero have support for complex types in EF Enitites?
I want to have a Article and connect multiple Attachments to it. Both are entities.
Thanks :)
I want to add a new endpoint to FileController (Aspnet Core + Angular 6), but when I do I cant reach it. How does this work in AspnetZero? And how is the Swagger endpoints added? Is it possible to get the endpoints from other controllers in .Core to be a part of Swagger?
Thanks :)