Is it possible to make modals draggable?
I have tried adding the 'draggable-modal' class to various <DIV> elements on the modal like this:
<div class="draggable-modal">
<form name="userCreateOrEditLocationForm" role="form" novalidate class="form-validation">
<div class="modal-header draggable-modal" style="background-color: #9eacb4; color:white">
<h4 class="modal-title">
<span>Edit Location</span>
<div class="modal-body">
And by passing in options in the JS call like this:
vm.editLocation = function () {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/location/createOrEditLocationModal.cshtml',
controller: 'common.views.users.createOrEditLocationModal as vm',
windowTopClass: 'draggable-modal',
backdrop: 'static'//,
Any ideas please?
Sorry for what is probably a beginner question.
I am confident that I have wired up my new app service properly for WebApi as I can call it in Chrome developer tools:
[attachment=2:cz22gv4t]Capture.JPG[/attachment:cz22gv4t] [attachment=1:cz22gv4t]Capture2.JPG[/attachment:cz22gv4t]
However, when I try and call the service in the AngularJS controller I get "h = Object doesn't support property or method 'GetSupplierforCurrentUserAsync'"
In debug mode, I can see that the service is instantiated and the method is available:
Are you able to give me a pointer as to what is going wrong please? Full JS code:
(function () {
appModule.controller('tenant.views.dashboard.index', [
'$scope', '', '',
function ($scope, tenantDashboardService, supplierService) {
var vm = this;
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {
vm.SupplierName = "";
supplierService.GetSupplierforCurrentUserAsync({}).success(function (result) {
vm.SupplierName = result.Name;
I have overridden the Id for all entities with code like this:
public class Supplier : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>
public override Guid Id { get; set; }
All works good for DB migrations etc.
However, when trying to create a service for my entities, I get this:
The type 'goMapDo_Offer.gmdSupplier.Supplier' cannot be used as type parameter 'TEntity' in the generic type or method 'IRepository<TEntity>'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'goMapDo_Offer.gmdSupplier.Supplier' to 'Abp.Domain.Entities.IEntity<int>'
This is because the IRepository interface only supports int:
public interface IRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity, int>, IRepository, ITransientDependency where TEntity : class, IEntity<int>
I can live with SQL Server type BigInt instead of Int (which just will not store enough values) and have done this instead:
public class Supplier : FullAuditedEntity<Int64>
However, I would prefer to use Guid for architectural reasons (pre-generation).
Any suggestions please?
I notice that the auth classes uses bigint so assume the ABP framework will handle it okay? I mean, not starting weird errors when Ids go beyond 2,147,483,647? Which, in my site, it soon will.
However, if you think I am going to hit subtle issues like this all over the place when using Guid, I will stick with BigInt.
Apologies for the long post.
Is there anything in the framework that might get in the way of overriding the default name and type for an entities PK please?
Marking a property like this results in the right primary key being defined:
public Guid SupplierId { get; set; }
However, the EF default of "Id" is still created. Naming a property "<EntityClassName>Id" should suppress this:
[attachment=0:ji9x8gu7]Capture.JPG[/attachment:ji9x8gu7] Thanks for any guidance.