Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @Prasanthtp,

I'm glad your problem was solved.

Hi @Prasanthtp,

I think it is related to the project name in the config file. Please try to update your project name. It should be BookingsHive

Hi @Prasanthtp,

Go to the AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json

Can you check if it looks like this? "EntityFrameWorkProjectFolder": "{{Namespace_Here}}.EntityFrameworkCore",

Could you share this log file?

Hi @rogerscorporation,

Could you check this class?

Hi @Prasanthtp,

Does it occur on new projects that you download from aspnetzero website? When I tested it myself, I did not find any errors.

Hi @mehmetdurmaz,

I tested but I can't reproduce it. Could you share your project or sample project?

Hi @Prasanthtp,

Does your solution folder contain the \AspNetZeroRadTool folder?

Hi @mehmetdurmaz,

I tested it locally but I can't reproduce it.

Do you think permissions that the user does not have come in granted permissions? So what happens when an unauthorized operation is attempted?

Hi @mehmetdurmaz,

I couldn't fully understand the problem. If you have defined the Supplier permission in the AppAuthorizationProvider, the GetAll method retrieves all the permissions available in the application, and the permissions on the front are handled accordingly.

What exactly is the error you are encountering?

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