Hi @uenlkr4e,
There is no built in feature with aspnetzero. We can add this to our roadmap. You can check this document for your solution. There is an error about email sending
Hi @mdepouw,
This field is not related to aspnetzero. I recheck the source code.
Hi @ibrahim_fakeh,
I didn't fully understand the problem. Could you share the expected path and the generated path? Also, please share your entity.json.
Hi @mdepouw,
What is your ANZ version and which project type (Angular or Mvc)?
Hi @uenlkr4e,
Chat is bound to a feature but features are not available in single-tenant mode. So, If you don't want to use this feature, you can remove its codes from your project.
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
The power tools was successfully released. You can try code generation with Maui, also your problem should be fixed at this version. Please feel free to give feedback
Hi @dirkvr,
Thanks for sharing your solution with us. We will fix this problem in the next version.
Could you check this conversation?
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
We don't have such a plan at the moment. But you can easily implement it yourself. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/data-cloud/database-sqlite?view=net-maui-8.0
If there is demand, we can add it to the roadmap.