Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"


Could you share the error? When I tried it myself, everything was okay.

For example, if you have IPersonAppService, the naming convention should be ProxyPersonAppService. But if you want to change this name to ProxyPeopleAppService

You can go to the Maui module class. Put this code into the PreInitialize method IocManager.Register<IPersonAppService, ProxyPeopleAppService>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);


Hi @Bernard,

When I look at the problem again, I see that MultiSelectCombobox comes pre-installed in Aspnetzero. To use it, you can check out the gif below. Also please check for more information.

Hi @conorcorr,

We provide bugfix support for the latest version and one prior version. Therefore, support for version 13.0.0 will end when version 15 is released.

I recommend updating along with us to avoid any issues when receiving updates.


If you don't want to use naming conventions. Please take a look

Also if you are using for ProxyServices please check ProxyAppServiceBase because URL's are created there. Customize for your requirements.

Hi @WirelessDynamics,

Please check the name of your interface and class.

Naming conventions are very important here. For example, you can change the name of PersonAppService to MyPersonAppService or another name which contains the 'PersonAppService' postfix. This registers it to IPersonAppService because it has the same postfix. You can not, however, name your service without the postfix, such as 'PeopleService'. If you do so, it's not registered to the IPersonAppService automatically. Instead, it's registered to the DI framework using self-registration (not the interface). In this case, you can manually register it.


I found the error. There is an empty JSON named company.json. If you remove this your navigation problem will be solved. We will also update the templates regarding the situation in the unit test.

The release will be released in the coming days and your problem will be completely solved. I will keep you informed.


Could you share your project with [email protected] ?

Hi @flaskone,

You should upgrade your Nodejs version. Expected version "^18.19.1 || ^20.11.1 || >=22.0.0". You have "20.10.0"

You could upgrade your Nodejs version to 20.11.1 or to the latest version.

Hi @[email protected],

Could you update your AspNetZeroRadTool folder from the GitHub repository? Just keep config.json

Hi @[email protected],

Power tools currently works on the dotnet 8 version. What is your project version?

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