Please confirm your application environment for production. Is the local test successful?
Execute the dotnet yourwel.dll test in the release folder to see
I think it is angular localization that lacks af-ZA. You can map to af.
try add ValidateIssuer in appsettings.json
It seems that the error message is very strange.
Do you have an property of ObjectList? Can you use VS global search for this keyword?
After testing, it was found that:
Quickly refresh some ajax request status codes to 200, but the return content is empty, I can't reproduce under chrome, it may be some "features" of firefox browser.
.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data.__abp) {
abp.ajax.handleResponse(data, userOptions, $dfd, jqXHR);
} else {401
userOptions.success && userOptions.success(data);
}).fail(function (jqXHR) {
if (jqXHR.responseJSON && jqXHR.responseJSON.__abp) {
abp.ajax.handleResponse(jqXHR.responseJSON, userOptions, $dfd, jqXHR);
} else {
abp.ajax.handleNonAbpErrorResponse(jqXHR, userOptions, $dfd);
Because the returned content is empty, handleNonAbpErrorResponse is called. Eventually a default error is displayed.
Some stack information
1: function(n){return n.details?abp.message.error(n.details,n.message):abp.message.error(n.message||abp.ajax.defaultError.message)} Tenants:1162:13
2: function(n,t,i){if(t.abpHandleError!==!1)switch(n.status){case 401:abp.ajax.handleUnAuthorizedRequest(abp.ajax.showError(abp.ajax.defaultError401),abp.appPath);break;case 403:abp.ajax.showError(abp.ajax.defaultError403);break;case 404:abp.ajax.showError(abp.ajax.defaultError404);break;default:abp.ajax.showError(abp.ajax.defaultError)}i.reject.apply(this,arguments);t.error&&t.error.apply(this,arguments)} Tenants:1162:13
3: function(n){n.responseJSON&&n.responseJSON.__abp?abp.ajax.handleResponse(n.responseJSON,t,r,n):abp.ajax.handleNonAbpErrorResponse(n,t,r)}
Of course, this is some of my personal opinions. There is currently no way to solve it.
If you call navigate, it will be intercepted again by AppRouteGuard. Infinite loop...