Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "marble68"

Using v8.7 Jquery

I'm attempting to provide a way for my users to import an Entity (Taker) with excel.

I'm going through the User Import from excel as an example, along with the ABP documentation here:

I created an ImportTakerDto - providing the exception and CanBeImported method, along with my properties.

I added a custommapper DTO.

I created a class for background job arguments.

I then created a background job, added a new TakersControllerBase. I then modified my TakerController to inherit from the base.

I added the import to excel buttons, and updated the index.js for Takers.

However, I get a 404 when calling it.

I've verified the auth token is there in the request header.

I've run npm run create-bundles on MVC, cleaned and rebuilt the project.

What should I check? Everything builds and runs - the only issue is when it tries to call my ImportFromExcel function on my TakerController it fails.

Thanks for any tips to check.

I have a checkbox on an entity CreateOrEdit modal, and if it's changed, I need to make one of the inputs required (change the rules).

In the _CreateOrEditModal.js file's init event - I'm doing this:

            _$manualCleared = _modalManager.getModal().find('input[name=wasManuallyCleared]'); // $('#wasManuallyCleared]');
            _$manualCleared.change(function (e) {
                console.log('clear checked');
                // if this is set, Taker_wasManuallyClearedReason is required.
                $("#Taker_wasManuallyClearedReason").rules("add", {
                    required: true,
                    minlength: 2,
                    messages: {
                        required: "This field is required",
                        minlength: jQuery.validator.format("More than {0} characters are necessary")

Thanks for any advice.

Each tenant can create a unit entity called a taker.

Now, the Taker goes to the public website via a unique URL, then enters some info. Once done, I need to update that Taker entity from the public website.

Does disabling filters resolve calling CreateOrEdit? Do I need to impersonate?

Here's what I'm doing. I have this in my Controller for this request:

        private void UpdateTaker(CreateOrEditTakerDto input)
           using (var uow = UnitOfWorkManager.Begin())
                using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(null))
                    using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete))


The error I'm getting is:

AbpAuthorizationException: Current user did not login to the application!

Obviously, the Taker does not log in. How do I do this the "right way". I'm leary of just making a function that can update an entity with no security.

Thanks for any advice.

I created a controller, TakeController.cs.

Suddenly, it just stopped working.

I added the following to Startup.cs:

app.Use((context, next) => { var endpoint = context.GetEndpoint(); Debug.WriteLine($"Endpoint: {endpoint.DisplayName}"); //if (SomeCondition) //{ // // Do some work //} return next(); }); On the other controllers, I see the name of the controller in the output console.

However, if I try and reach my controller, it's never even called.

I've cleaned and rebuilt the project, to no avail.

My enpoints are default:

` app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapHub


I created a new controller, called GoController.cs. It is picked up by the endpoint router, and calls Index() in the controller.

I tried removing my controller, and re-adding it, but it still doesn't get picked up... if I name it TakeController.cs

I've tried rebooting, as well.

I cleaned remove my obj and bin folders, everything builds and runs fine. I've compared project files for public

Might anyone have any suggestions why this happening, and how I can fix it?

Here's the source of my TakeController.cs:

` using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using;

namespace { public class TakeController : workControllerBase { //public IActionResult Index() //{ // return View(); //} // // GET: /HelloWorld/

    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    // GET: /HelloWorld/Welcome/ 

    public string Welcome()
        return "This is the Welcome action method...";

} `

I'm working on a system where each tenant can setup an entity that represents an individual; these entities are unique across all tenants.

On the public site - I have an action where the unique ID of the individual is passed as the ID.

A unique URL is created for individuals that

Do I need to create a custom service to do this?

If I use a standard jquery ajax call to the URL, will permissions and security be applied?

Or is there a abp / zero way this should be done?

If a user has permissions while editing one entity, I need to show a list of other other, active entities, if the user has permissions to them.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Kind regards,

Hi -

I'm on AspNetZero Core + Angular (v 3)

I'm trying to get my app to work on IIS, but instead of it running at <a class="postlink" href=""></a>, I'm trying to run it at <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Is this possible? I'm thinking not because I see a lot of URLs leading with / (such as /assets/appconfig.json).

If this isn't, then I'll use host headers. If it IS possible, how might I configure it to work this way? Thanks in advance

I have IIS setup, and my angular app is trying to connect.

In the core side, I'm setting my app settings as such:

"App": {
    "ServerRootAddress": "",
    "ClientRootAddress": "",
    "CorsOrigins": ","

on the angular UI appconfigure.json is:

  "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "",
  "appBaseUrl": ""

So I'm going through the Step-By-Step. The first time around, I did something wrong when trying to do Add-Migrations "Added_Phones" - That would never work. So I started trying to re-arrange my project so it looked like the samples to no avail.

I'm not an expert, so please forgive me if I'm asking dumb questions.

I am trying to do the Core-Angular2 version. The Angular4 project uses razor syntax, etc. and doesn't look anything like the step by step - so I'll stick with Ang2 version till I go through the step - by - step.

So I've started over - so I thought I'd ask a question (or two). I'm on VS 2017 - and I've downloaded the PhoneBook projects. I set my connection strings - but...

In the step by step is says to set the project to EntityFrameworkCore. There is no project by this name, so I presume it is Acme.PhoneBook.EntitryFramework? If that's correct, why don't any of the examples where Add-Migration or Update-Database, as shown in the step-by-step guide, work?

Opening the Package Manager Console - Update-Database gives me: The EntityFramework package is not installed on project 'Acme.PhoneBook.EntityFramework'.

So I go into the migrator and run the Acme.PhoneBook.Migrator.exe and everything works.

Should it already be installed? I found another thread where someone said "install this" <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

I've verified, in my Visual Studio 2017 setup, I have the .NET Core cross-platform development installed. So probably a dumb question, do I need to install the SDK as well?

Also - is it a bad idea to update all my nuget packages? I tried and it broke everything in the project, apparently.

Any advice is most appreciated. Thank you in advance, Chris

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