back button does not work mvc.core + jquery. version 4.3
clicking has no response.
we have wildcard SSL Cert deployed Multitenancy is ON
question: should WebSiteRootAddress use Http or https in the config as multitenancy requires wildcard ssl cert?
Example: "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}" OR "WebSiteRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}"
Production environment.
When creating a tenant I receive a 500 error "An internal error occurred during your request".
In version 4.3.1 there is a demo of how to use the upload control.
When @Html.Partial("_FileUpload") is added to the Index.chtml it calls the upload handler code in the controller 100%
however when added to a modal popup it does not fire?
How do it get it to fire on a modal?
How to disable audit logs ? For all tenants in code?
I want to add the file upload demo to the phonebook examples popup.
Question : does the same controller control the actions for the index and create person popup.
Reason: want to know if a new controller is needed for the popup or not?
I've created a custom field for Tenant called TenantCustomRefNumber
I want to access it from the phonebook _CreatePersonModal.cshtml dialog when it opens.
tried :
public async Task<PartialViewResult> CreatePersonModal()
Task<Tenant> _tenant = _personAppService.GetTenant();
however no customfields are not returned with this object.
guidance please.
where are the step to setup Google two factor - auth with aspzero.