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Activities of "mirzanas"

Hi, how to hide/collapsible left sidebar/navbar after click on menu(nav) item? Currently is working not nice because in small resolution like in mobile phone, sidebar menu still left after click on menu item and user always should do aditional click on close button. Thanks

How can I return custom status (404 or any another) and custom exception(or message) using AppService from backend. Example: UI call back-end get method and backend did't find needed data or some bussines validation accure, so I want return the status 404, with my exception message, but I don't want that ui treat this like usual exception and show UI standart exception modal, better for me that I could provide custom behavior for user?

Hello, do we have a possibility to define different URL (seo friendly) for each language?

I mean, I prefer to have URL like in English, in Germany and etc.

Hello, I had my first experience with your implementation of the event bus. After some experiments, I am a bit confused about the way it works. Let me try to explain the situation:

Application service do database transaction and then triggers an event:

public class OfferAppService : ApplicationService { public IEventBus EventBus { get; set; }

<br> public OfferAppService() { EventBus = NullEventBus.Instance; }

public async Task AcceptOffer(AcceptOfferInput input) { //DATABASE TRANSACTION

await EventBus.TriggerAsync(new OfferAcceptedEvent { RequestId = input.RequestId }); or EventBus.Trigger(new OfferAcceptedEvent { RequestId = input.RequestId }); } }

<br> Two handlers waits for events and do other business.

public async Task HandleEventAsync(OfferAcceptedEvent eventData)

{ //DO STUFF await Task.Delay(5000); }

public async Task HandleEventAsync(OfferAcceptedEvent eventData) { //DO STUFF await Task.Delay(10000); }

After some tests I find out what AcceptOffer methods takes 15s to finish a execution. Should it be like this? I imagined what AcceptOffer should not wait until events will be processed.

After latest documentation released, I could not find the search input, only filter, but this is completely different, maybe I miss something?

Hello, I use to work with older version of ASP.NET ZERO what have used metronic theme. This version contained a lot prepared html components ready to go. Currently, I see what the latest ASP.NET ZERO contains this metronic version, but there are only a few prepared html components.

What is the reason behind this? Why a metronic offers fewer components?

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