fyi, I have turned off many products on my pc's, like avast and others to make sure there is no issue with firewalls.
Can you do an update to this comparison? my opinion is the comparison should be AspNetZero vs Business, because in both I would get complete source code.
Please discuss, for example, Billing, Features even IS4 support. Example: in Zero, there is nuget support only for IS4. I am assuming that for there is 'more sour code' supplied and features to IS4. I am also not sure if Duende server is supported or planned.
closing problem
I am closing this ticket because I have moved onto 10.5 release
Yes the code is in the Migrator.
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Abp.Configuration; using Abp.Dependency; using Abp.Domain.Repositories; using Abp.Threading; using Abp.Threading.BackgroundWorkers; using Abp.Threading.Timers; using Abp.Timing; using Mortho.Authorization.Users; using Mortho.Configuration;
namespace Mortho.MultiTenancy { public class SubscriptionExpireEmailNotifierWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency { private const int CheckPeriodAsMilliseconds = 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24; //1 day
private readonly IRepository<Tenant> _tenantRepository;
private readonly UserEmailer _userEmailer;
public SubscriptionExpireEmailNotifierWorker(
AbpTimer timer,
IRepository<Tenant> tenantRepository,
UserEmailer userEmailer) : base(timer)
_tenantRepository = tenantRepository;
_userEmailer = userEmailer;
Timer.Period = CheckPeriodAsMilliseconds;
Timer.RunOnStart = true;
LocalizationSourceName = MorthoConsts.LocalizationSourceName;
protected override void DoWork()
var subscriptionRemainingDayCount = Convert.ToInt32(SettingManager.GetSettingValueForApplication(AppSettings.TenantManagement.SubscriptionExpireNotifyDayCount));
var dateToCheckRemainingDayCount = Clock.Now.AddDays(subscriptionRemainingDayCount).ToUniversalTime();
var subscriptionExpiredTenants = _tenantRepository.GetAllList(
tenant => tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc != null &&
tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc.Value.Date == dateToCheckRemainingDayCount.Date &&
tenant.IsActive &&
tenant.EditionId != null
foreach (var tenant in subscriptionExpiredTenants)
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _userEmailer.TryToSendSubscriptionExpiringSoonEmail(tenant.Id, dateToCheckRemainingDayCount));
catch (Exception exception)
Logger.Error(exception.Message, exception);
this is a new project
this was my bad; I did not do a nwsag\refresh --> npm run create-bundles --> npm start after I added the table.
I have made a suggestion in the issue area of the AspnetZero repo to have a console app always apart of AspNetZero. My suggestion is to have the console app authenticate to the web api then authorize based on the AspnetZero setup.
This would help alot in making quick console apps for Azure functions, possibly webhooks and scheduling AspnetZero jobs with a scheduling system.
Even a visual studio VSIX file would be of great benefit to add to an existing AspNetZero project.
For me, please show a very simple console app with the necessary DLL's so that I can do the above with some feeling of going forward; otherwise I am totally guessing.
In going forward, if I have issues, I will open a new ticket. Thanks for listening.
No I did not add the statement; I am sure it will work OK.