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Activities of "nitinrpatel"

On edit page dropdown , When i select a value from dropdown , it doesn't gets bind with the dropdown, and the value is shown as "NOT SELECTED" sometimes, but also the value is shown in textbox. Even the value is shown in Backend. I am also attaching Screenshots of the same for your furthur reference.

I want to insert data in multiple tables i.e Parent And Child table(Some Fields of Parent Table with Parent Referance) how is it possible in zero.?


Hi! Can you provide me an example for image upload. I tried Changeing Profile picture, but I don't want this uploader. Kindly provide with some different picture uploader or send an example.


Can you tell me the procedure , how can I use my Host Table data in Tenant database ?, Because right now I am getting a blank table.


I want to bind my all users(with the specific role) in the dropdown. how it is possible...? i have attached code with that i have bind other dropdown and now i want to bind user table in dropdown.

public ListResultDto<InstSuburbListDto> GetSuburb()
            var suburb = _postCodeRepository
               .OrderByDescending(p => p.Id)

            return new ListResultDto<InstSuburbListDto>(suburb.MapTo<List<InstSuburbListDto>>());


There are Parent and Child table from which i fetch details and display on my Grid page. I Want to Sort my column which are not from my parent table but using belo code I got Some error.

public async Task<PagedResultDto<InvitationListDto>> GetInvitation(GetInvitationInput input)
            var Invitation_List = _InstallerRepository

            var InvitationList = (from Inst in Invitation_List
                                  join Us in _userRepository.GetAll() on Inst.UserId equals Us.Id into Usjoined
                                  from Us in Usjoined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  where (Inst.UserId != 0 && Inst.IsApproved == 0)
                                  group Inst by Inst into instGrouped
                                  select instGrouped.Key);

            var resultCount = await InvitationList.CountAsync();
            var results = await InvitationList

            var Invitation = results.MapTo<List<InvitationListDto>>();
            foreach (var item in Invitation)
                item.CustName = _tenantRepository.GetAll().Where(p => p.Id == item.TenantId).Select(p => p.FullName).FirstOrDefault();

            return new PagedResultDto<InvitationListDto>(resultCount, Invitation.MapTo<List<InvitationListDto>>());

Hello, I Want to create new tenant with database.For that i have pass connection string but i got error while performing it. Database was successfully created, All the Migration and Seed Files are Successfully Run on that database but after that I am not work further System Gives "An internal error occurred during your request!"I Have Attached Screenshot Of my error page for reference.

Please Help me ASAP.

Hello, Can Any one provide me solution for my below linked question?

I Had Posted it before 6 Days but not get solution for this.


Hello, I Am Using ASP.NET MVC 5.x with AngularJS Verson. I am facing issue while i am sending test emails. Popup Shows that email sent successfully, but i didnot receive any email.Can you please help to where i have to change in code to send emails.


Hello, i want to change dropdown 1st fields with some text(i.e. Select State,Select City,etc.). how can i change this text? Currently I Am Using ASP.NET MVC 5.x with AngularJS Verson.

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