Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "nitinrpatel"



There are Parent and Child table from which i fetch details and display on my Grid page. I Want to Sort my column which are not from my parent table but using belo code I got Some error.

public async Task<PagedResultDto<InvitationListDto>> GetInvitation(GetInvitationInput input)
            var Invitation_List = _InstallerRepository

            var InvitationList = (from Inst in Invitation_List
                                  join Us in _userRepository.GetAll() on Inst.UserId equals Us.Id into Usjoined
                                  from Us in Usjoined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  where (Inst.UserId != 0 && Inst.IsApproved == 0)
                                  group Inst by Inst into instGrouped
                                  select instGrouped.Key);

            var resultCount = await InvitationList.CountAsync();
            var results = await InvitationList

            var Invitation = results.MapTo<List<InvitationListDto>>();
            foreach (var item in Invitation)
                item.CustName = _tenantRepository.GetAll().Where(p => p.Id == item.TenantId).Select(p => p.FullName).FirstOrDefault();

            return new PagedResultDto<InvitationListDto>(resultCount, Invitation.MapTo<List<InvitationListDto>>());

I want to bind my all users(with the specific role) in the dropdown. how it is possible...? i have attached code with that i have bind other dropdown and now i want to bind user table in dropdown.

public ListResultDto<InstSuburbListDto> GetSuburb()
            var suburb = _postCodeRepository
               .OrderByDescending(p => p.Id)

            return new ListResultDto<InstSuburbListDto>(suburb.MapTo<List<InstSuburbListDto>>());


Can you tell me the procedure , how can I use my Host Table data in Tenant database ?, Because right now I am getting a blank table.


Hi! Can you provide me an example for image upload. I tried Changeing Profile picture, but I don't want this uploader. Kindly provide with some different picture uploader or send an example.

I want to insert data in multiple tables i.e Parent And Child table(Some Fields of Parent Table with Parent Referance) how is it possible in zero.?

On edit page dropdown , When i select a value from dropdown , it doesn't gets bind with the dropdown, and the value is shown as "NOT SELECTED" sometimes, but also the value is shown in textbox. Even the value is shown in Backend. I am also attaching Screenshots of the same for your furthur reference.

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