Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "nobruds"

Ohh ok, thanks for the reply. :)


I am having problem to use the Abp.Logging.LogHelper class on console apps. On my WebSite log works fine, I do the same process for my windows service app but don't work.

Heres how I initialize my service:

public static void Main(String[] args)
            IocManager.Instance.IocContainer.AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.UseLog4Net().WithConfig("log4net.config"));

                using (var bootstrapper = new AbpBootstrapper())
                    iocManager = bootstrapper.IocManager;



I dont get any error, the LogHelper.Logger has all parameters false, so doesn't log.

On Web is like this, and works fine: protected override void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { IocManager.Instance.IocContainer.AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.UseLog4Net().WithConfig("log4net.config")); base.Application_Start(sender, e); ... }

Both log4net.config are the same, Am I missing something?


Ohhh, I missed that, now its working, thanks. Its weird because on the web site I don't have the "Copy always" option selected and works, anyway.

I changed the internal to public, now that you said I think Its wrong right ? :?

So, how should I use? property injection ?



I think these topics will share some light to your need.



Hello Hikalkan

I am still trying to figure out how to do this, I found this article from Fabio Maulo but I can't figure how to implement this on your ABP framework. I am still very new to DI (using castle) and NHibernate.

If its not too much to ask, can you have a look e share some ideas ? [])


Yes, I did some but not according that last article.

I made changes on AbpNHibernateModule.cs, AbpNHibernateConfigurationExtensions.cs and NhRepositoryInstaller.cs.

I will adapt it and post here.


edit: the article [])


I need to inject a service on static class, how can I do that ?

On my mvc app I am injecting my services on the Controllers as said on docs, but I need to use some statics classes as data providers (I am using DevExpress component for UI), so How can I inject my service in there?

Today I am doing like this: (I don't like it)


private static IGerenciadorBoletadorService _gerenciadorBoletadorService;
public DashboardController(IGerenciadorBoletadorService gerenciadorBoletadorService)
    //static property on PineCalendarioDataProvider.cs
    PineCalendarioDataProvider._gerenciadorBoletadorService = gerenciadorBoletadorService;


Oh, great..

And should I use the "IocManager.Instance.Release(myService);" after use?

as said on Resolve method Summary

Thanks a lot

Well, for me, as I am not an expert, I can say that I am having trouble trying to implement the Multiple dbcontext for multiple databases, using NHibernate.

That would solve 90% of my problems :) But maybe its not an disadvantage of the framework, I am the who can't figure this out...yet.


<cite>daws: </cite> With Hibernate, I don't know. I use EF with multiple dbcontext without problem :) (multiple db context for oracle, sqlserver & sqlite)

Yeah, hikalkan did an sample for EF.

I am trying to adapt for NH yet =)

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