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Activities of "omital"


Where can I find sample (or default) IPermisiionChecker implementation? and what about RoleEdit page? 1-How can I load JUST permission name that related to CurrentSubsystemId (that retrieve from session)? (this section already solved whit this lines of code

var allPermisions = PermissionManager.GetAllPermissions()

) Do you have any better solution? 2- How can I update allowed permission that just related to current subsystem. The problem is here

var grantedPermissions = allPermissions
                 .Where(p => input.SelectedPermissions.Contains(p.Name)).ToArray();
await _roleManager.SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(itm, grantedPermissions);

SetGrantedPermissionsAsync update all permission related to current subsystem and clear those subsystem that are not included in allPermission?!

suppose line


added before line


what happen if client send request rapidly to application service method?

I want to person count can not be bigger than 10

i'm so sorry. this code


is wrong . it is


I mean that person's number can not be grater than for example 10.


for solve this problem you can follow one of this approach: 1- Create empty database manually 2- run update-database command in nugget packager

I setup navigation provider constructor like this

public LIMSNavigationProvider(LIMSSession LIMSSession)
            _LIMSSession = LIMSSession;

but SybsystemId always return null?!

Does anyone have any idea??

I checked it in one of the application service's method. It was {Abp.Timing.UnspecifiedClockProvider}. then I try to

Clock.Provider = new UtcClockProvider();

in PreInitialize method of WebModule, EntityFramework and Core module, but nothing happen.

Hi, your question in not directly related to ABP. In entityframework you can write like this:

var res=from p in _tbl1Repo.GetAll()
                 where (_tbl2Repo.GetAll().Select(k=>k.Id).Contains(p.tbl2Id)==false
                select p;
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