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We find out the reason, why it was not saving. Actually, before this unit of work, one more unit of work was used and due to some reason the outer unit of work was not getting complete, hence inner one also fails.

Regards, Mahendra


That, I am already doing. Question is if user manually type in the URL in which he does not have the permission, then instead of sending the user to the login page I want to show him the page with the message "You don't have permission'. How can I achieve this?

Regards, Mahendra

<cite>aaron: </cite> Yes, just follow the documentation for SignalR AspNetCore Integration.

Hi aaron,

I just downloaded the latest version of ASPNetZero (i.e. 5.1) and install the signalR package. After installing the package, it compiles successfully....

But The same is not happening with ASPNetZero version 4.1....Can you please re-confirm, if signalR is compatible to ASPNetZero Version 4.1

Regards, Mahendra


I tried whatever you suggested, but I found nowhere Castle.Core version 4.0.0 refereed. When I search the Castle.Core in solution I also did not find the version 4.0.0. Please see the attached screen shot. But I am still getting this error (Once I install the nuget package for signalR)

Assembly 'Abp.AspNetCore' with identity 'Abp.AspNetCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'Castle.Core' with identity 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'

Please advice... Regards, Mahendra

Anyone any idea...

My solution compiles without any error before I installed the following package Install-Package Abp.AspNetCore.SignalR -Version 3.4.0-preview2 The moment I install the above package and compile the project it throws the error in Web.Mvc project

Assembly 'Abp.AspNetCore' with identity 'Abp.AspNetCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'Castle.Core' with identity 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'.

I am badly stuck.... somebody, please help....

Please see the output of find in entire solution

Find all "Castle.Core", Subfolders, Find Results 1, "Entire Solution ( Including External Items )", "" D:\CXS.Retail\Development\iVend365\src\CitiXsys.iVend365.Core\Identity\SmsSender.cs(3):using Castle.Core.Logging; D:\CXS.Retail\Development\iVend365\src\CitiXsys.iVend365.Migrator\Log.cs(4):using Castle.Core.Logging; D:\CXS.Retail\Development\iVend365\src\CitiXsys.iVend365.Web.Core\Chat\SignalR\ChatHub.cs(9):using Castle.Core.Logging; D:\CXS.Retail\Development\iVend365\src\CitiXsys.iVend365.Web.Core\Chat\SignalR\SignalRChatCommunicator.cs(8):using Castle.Core.Logging; Matching lines: 4 Matching files: 4 Total files searched: 11876

Thanks aaron....I am following the same steps that is mentioned in the document, but I am getting following compilation error.

Steps followed

  1. Install nuget package Install-Package Abp.AspNetCore.SignalR -Version 3.4.0-preview2
  2. Add dependency in my web module [DependsOn(typeof(AbpAspNetCoreSignalRModule))]
  3. In startup.cs ConfigureServices method services.AddSignalR();
  4. In startup.cs Configure method app.UseSignalR(routes => { routes.MapHub<AbpCommonHub>("/signalr"); });

Now when I compile the project, it throws the following error in the WebMVC project

Error CS1705 Assembly 'Abp.AspNetCore' with identity 'Abp.AspNetCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'Castle.Core' with identity 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' CitiXsys.iVend365.Web.Mvc D:\CXS.Retail\Development\iVend365\src\CitiXsys.iVend365.Web.Mvc\CSC 1 Active

Please help me to resolve this compilation issue....

Regards, Mahendra

Thanks...aaroon, the error is resolved now....

Can you please reply to my below question.. I am using ASPNetZero Version 4.1. Can I use signalR feature, without upgrading it to ASPNetZero Latest version i.e. 5.1.

Regards, Mahendra

I am using ASPNetZero Version 4.1. Can I use signalR feature, without upgrading it to ASPNetZero Latest version i.e. 5.1.

Regards, Mahendra

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