Thanks for the suggestion, we are now implementing the same.
Seed method is working well for the host but not for the tenants in .net core. Can you please suggest some alternatives.
We have changed the default behavior as we would like to user to login within 30 days of expiry, however he will see only the payment screen and unless he has paid cannot goto any other controller page.
One more small question regarding hangfire....
In SQL database tables, can I figure out when a task that is scheduled is about to run (I mean date and time)....
Regards, Mahendra
Thanks aaron....It worked...cheers....
I did not understand you fully what do you mean by domain class. Could you please provide me a sample or provide me a link where I can read more about domain class.
By the way, I saw a strange behavior. Please have a look at the following code.
Hangfire Code (Please note that this class is not decorated with ABPAuthorize attribute)
public override void Execute(DataImportJobArgs dataImportJobArgs) {
Task ImportTask = Task.Run(() => ImportData(dataImportJobArgs));
private async Task ImportData(DataImportJobArgs dataImportJobArgs) { ImportAppService = (IImportAppService)IocManager.Instance.Resolve(typeof(CustomerAppService)); await ImportAppService.ImportData(dataImportJobArgs.DataToImport, false); }
CustomerAppService Code ((This class is decorated with ABPAuthorize attribute)
public async Task<DataTable> ImportData(DataTable dataTable, bool ImportInBackground = true) { CustomerDto ExistingCustomer = GetCustomerByEntityId(Row["CustomerId"].ToString());
public CustomerDto GetCustomerByEntityId(string EntityId) { CustomerDto Customer = _CustomerRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EntityId == EntityId).MapTo<CustomerDto>();
if (Customer != null && Customer.AddressKey != 0)
Customer.CustomerAddress = AddressAppService.GetAddress(Customer.AddressKey);
return Customer;
Now, the Background job is able to call the ImportData method of CustomerAppService (Though the CustomerAppService is decorated with ABPAuthorize). However GetCustomerByEntityId method of CustomerAppService is not able to call the GetAddress method of AddressAppService (Which is yet another AppService decorated with ABPAuthorize attribute)
So the flow is:
Please note that both the above AppService is decorated with ABPAuthorize. The strange behavior that I feel is if customer is not logged in then why even the method CustomerAppService is getting invoked by Background Job class. (In my Case why even the ImportData method of CustomerAppService is getting called.
Please help me.
What we have done is dropped the FK on the column. However the payment is going in the tenant database and not in the host database. Is that ok or should it work the other way.
[AutoMapTo(typeof(TaxCode))] public class CreateOrUpdateTaxCodeDto: Entity { [Required] [MaxLength(20)] public string EntityId { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public decimal Rate { get; set; }
I'm getting a 404 error when clicking on the link provided in you earlier post. Can you please check this on priority as we have a go live scheduled for this month end and this functionality is critical for us to go live.
Thanks!!! This is exactly that we were looking for however for now we have used the demobuilder