Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "pankajmathur"



We have existing database. Each table has a PrimaryKey column like Below: Table: CusCustomer Field: CustomerKey - long - PrimaryKey

Table: InvProduct Field: ProductKey - long - PrimaryKey.

Now, if a create an entity class and derive it from FullAuditedEntity<Int64>, it will assume that there would be Id field in the table having datatype as long.

How can we create an entity having above table structure?

Regards, Mahendra


Can you please provide a sample example showing how to call a stored procedure from my appService.

Regards, Mahendra

As per documentation, Framework support Single Deployment - Multiple Database. Is any one implemented this or any documentation for step by step tenant creation?

I have tried to make new database per tenant but it is not creating new database. If any one has explored it, please help me out on this.

Hi, We need to support custom business functionality of each tenant using Extensibility(MEF)/Plugin. We have used Microsoft Extensibility Framework to send messages to UI and get result in business code based on Tenant.

Application is able to get AddOnDLL/Plugin but not able to access current UnitOfWorkManger or IActiveUnitOfWork in Plugin DLL.

Is there any way to get current IActiveUnitOfWork in Plugin without ABPModule?

Thank You,



I have just downloaded the ASP.Net MVC 5.X & JQuery project with Version (4.1.0(latest version) to see the new feature such as "Subscription management & Paypal payment integration" and "Dashboard for edition, tenant & income statistics", but I can't see the changes in the Edition Page.

Attached is the Edition page that I see. Am I missing something?

Hi, We have downloaded a project based on Version 4.5.1 however we are not able to see the changes that are done on the tenant management screen for the trial version and also for the unlimited time subscription. Can you please suggest how can we get these changes. Are these changes changes available for the .Net Framework 4.6.1?

Please see the attached file for more details.


We are currently using MVC5.x with JQuery on .Net Framework 4.6.1 We wish to migrate our application to MVC on .Net Core 2.0 with target framework as .Net Core 2.0 by taking your latest release that is 4.5.

Could you please help me the best way to upgrade our project to .Net Core 2.0. It would be nice If you could provide some link for the documentation that could help me achieving this.

Would appreciate your response.

Regards, Mahendra



In the MVC5.X version the Account/Authenticate API's parameter was TenantName, UserID and Password.

Recently we migrated to .Net Core With Jquery version. In this version we see that we need to pass the TenantID in the header in /api/TokenAuth/Authenticate function and then further in the subsequent API we need to pass the TenantID in the header.

We are bit confuse here. How the API consumer (In our case it is the mobile device running Mobile POS APP) will come to know the tenant id that he is supposed to pass in the header.

Please help us.

Regards, Mahendra

We are facing an issue that the system throws timeout when seeding a tenant, in MVC 5.X we have specified the timeout in the Configuration class of the EntityFramework project

    public Configuration()
        AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
        ContextKey = "ManagementConsoleWeb";
        CommandTimeout = 1000;

How can we achieve the same in the .Net Core 2.0.


We are getting a following exception when trying to upload an excel file containing the records for import.

<ins>Could not create an instance of type 'SecuritySwitch.Abstractions.HttpPostedFileBase'. Model bound complex types must not be abstract or value types and must have a parameterless constructor.</ins>

We have enabled hangfire for the background processing and facing this issue in .Net Core 2.0.

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