Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "patrickglaudemans"


want to disable softdelete at update of a certain entity like:

using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete))

                await AddReportChilds(input, report, false);
                await _reportRepository.UpdateAsync(report);

It's not working.

Hi, In the UOW there are some deletes of child objects from report. These deletes should be deleted, not soft deleted.

I should I force to delete these in stead of softdelete?


Thanks - thats what I was looking for. Obvious that datafilter are there for retrieving data.


while doing Upgrade to ABP (zero) 0.9.* (multi database tenant support) I ran into the problem that TUser is not recognized. Check below. I already sent Halil a message since this is a breaking issue for us.

I did read the blog: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -released/</a>

enant, Role and User Entities Tenant, Role and User entities are derived from AbpTenant, AbpRole and AbpUser. These base classes are generic classes and their generic parameters are changed:

AbpUser<TTenant, TUser> become AbpUser<TUser> AbpRole<TTenant, TUser> become AbpRole<TUser> AbpTenant<TTenant, TUser> become AbpTenant<TUser> As you see, we removed TTenant parameters since in database per tenant architecture, we can not define navigation properties from tenant users to tenant entity, they may be in different databases.


When debugging the application and after changing some frontend angular code, the dynamic web api layer gets rebuild. After that - two of my app services are returning 'internal server error' errors from all methods. The log file is empty.

After a complete rebuild of the solution, it's working again.

As for both of the services, the normal pattern is used. I'm using all last libs and Zero code. It's a fresh template.

Fiddler is giving no extra info - how can I debug this?

Regards, P


No go with custom errors - didn't even try eventlog ;-)

Any other suggestions?


As matter of fact - it did work (custom errors mode off) but only within fiddler or in browser, not in the logs.

Thanks, with this data I can investigate it further on.


a very odd issue here. While debugging and running the application I change some frontend angular code, the dynamic web api layer then gets rebuild. After that - two of my app services are returning 'internal server error' errors from all methods. After a complete rebuild of the solution, it's working again,including the two services. Both failing services are having a reference to a custom module Reporting.Core

When debugging the internal server error, is says it has dependencies that failed registering: "Can't create component 'Intertek.BI.Reporting.Reports.ReportAppService' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.\r\n\r\n'Intertek.BI.Reporting.Reports.ReportAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:\r\n- Service 'Intertek.BI.Reporting.Core.ReportManager' which was not registered.\

How should I proceed into resolving the cause of this error which only occurs after some sort of rebuild after frontend code change!


ITransientDependency: Yes DomainService: No

It is odd that when running, after an api (re)build this behaviour occurs. It is building and working ok until that rebuild starts (after changing and saving app.js - for instance).

Do you have additional info on how and when this rebuild is triggered? What's the difference between a normal solution build and the web api rebuild when running the app?

Thanks - maybe we can solve it before tomorrow ;-)


Resolved this by adding an extra dependency to the application layer module, like so:

/// <summary>
    /// Application layer module of the application.
    /// </summary>

The Reporting.Core.BIReportingCoreModule provides the ReportManager what gives the dep. error. It remains unclear why a rebuild from within the solution did not reveal this dependency need.

There is difference between a ASP.NET build triggered by IIS rather then a normal solution build.

Thanks for reading ;-)

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