Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "pkouame"

Ouch! ;)

Will try this and report back.

By the way, while waiting for a lead on this I signed up for an AWS free account and will try to deploy there to see if I experience the same signalR issues. What do you think?

Will keep you posted.

Thanks, P.

Thank you! This helps a lot.

I am not expecting this to be easy ;) I know it's a development framework and aspnetzero is a template not an SDK. Pointing me in the right direction is good enough.

I am also concerned about "onboarding" new developers to this architecture, so I want to be sure I blaze the trail on the proper setup and LTS issues, workflow and approach. Anything that can decrease the learning curve for any of our prospective new hires. We may even eventually want to contribute so any pointers on your own internal workflow is greatly appreciated. I collaborate on other large scale open source projects (mostly C++, java and iOS) and there are always policies and guidelines for contributing developers. Food for thought ...

By the way, you guys are doing some excellent work. So far, I have come to appreciate all of the out of the box features. Good job and keep it up! We are not a .net shop per se, but you are making the transition much smoother...


@JoshYates, thanks. That's pretty much how I proceed...searching github and the forums. Guess I'll just file some issues on github so responsible parties can update documentation when they have time...


  1. On exception handling. I downloaded an aspnetzero core mvc template, so web.config should be irrelevant right?

  2. Downloading "templated" projects as your documentation suggests give me a static source code snapshot with a difficult support path since, to the say the least, the original namespaces (MyCompany MyProject etc...) are different. What happens when v2.2 of aspnetzero template is released? This is an important LTS issue for potential client solutions I craft. Hence my desire to setup the "optimal" development environment going forward. Should I clone, pull down changes or new releases as necessary, change namespaces and merge?

Thanks P.

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