Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "quTIP"


We add an azure functions project in the solution, we want to make the repositories and services (WebCoreModule) successfully injected in our azure functions project. So, how can we achieve that?



Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? 10.3
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular but Public Web Site Is MVC
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? 6.3

Admin App is Angular But we have changed in the Public Web Site to support its own login (instead of single sign-on). In other words, we generated the admin again in MVC. Then we removed all unwanted pages and kept anything related to Accounts, Login, Authentication and so on. So now there are 2 clients application connecting to the same Host. The problem now is: when we login with a certain user in one of the client applications, the other client application automatically becomes logged in with the user of the other client application. By the way, the same happens with swagger UI. When we login with a user in one client application, swagger automatically becomes logged in with the same user. Even worse, when the user changes tenant at one client application using the tenant change modal - without event logging in -, the other application is logged out even before the user logs in at the other client appplication

We do not want that.

We want the user to login in with a different user account at each client application. And whatever happens in one client application is not shared with the other client application.

How to do that?

We are using aspnetzero 10.3 rc1 with angular and core.

We changed a lot in the templates and all is working fine, so far.

We are facing one big challenge that we have no control of. It is a bit urgent, putting us on hold in our project.

All we want is to have the freedom to choose whether to make Non-Crud Page checkbox checked or unchecked when the Master-Detail Page checked.

I do not understand the need and logic behind making the base entity always have Modal CRUD pages. What prevents it from having Non-Modal CRUD pages.

All we want as a fix, is just make Master-Detail Page checkbox not to automatically uncheck the Non-Modal CRUD page checkbox.

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