Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "razkhan78"

We are implementing Notifications for Create events as well some of update data event.

We have one table called "Document". We have implemented Notifications for following cases with specific tenant:

  1. When user creates new document.
  2. When user changes Document type

In Notification setting, two entries will be displayed with checkboxes:

  1. On New Document creation
  2. On Document type change


Case 1(Working): If we subscribe for "On New Document creation" and "On Document type change" everything works fine and both types of notifications will be sent to subscribed users. Case 2(Working): If we subscribe only for "On New Document creation" everything works fine and notification will be sent to subscribed users only for new document creation. Case 3(Not Working): If we subscribe only for "On Document type change" and NOT SUBSCRIBE for "On New Document creation" then notification will not be sent to subscribed users. Case 4(Not Working): If we subscribe only for "On New Document creation" and NOT SUBSCRIBE for "On Document type change" then also notification will be sent for both events. If we remove subscription for "On New Document creation" then only "On Document type change" event notification won't be sent.

For all cases, AbpNotificationSubscription table is populated perfectly as per notification selection from Setting screen. Issue occures only with sending notifications.

We are calling PublishAsync as per following: await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync("App.NewDocumentCreated", notificationData, null,NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

As per our understanding, this method will only send notifications to subscribed users which is not working in our system.

It seems like data update Notification subscription is dependent on data create notification. Please suggest how we can solve these issues.


/* Document create */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create)

/* Document type update */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("DocumentTypeChangedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Edit)


	public async Task<GetNotificationSettingsOutput> GetNotificationSettings()
            var output = new GetNotificationSettingsOutput();

            output.ReceiveNotifications = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications);

            /*Get general notifications, not entity related notifications*/
            //var notificationDefinitions = (await _notificationDefinitionManager.GetAllAvailableAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier())).Where(nd => nd.EntityType == null);

            /*Get all notifications (general+entity related)*/
            var notificationDefinitions = (await _notificationDefinitionManager.GetAllAvailableAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier()));

            output.Notifications = ObjectMapper.Map<List<NotificationSubscriptionWithDisplayNameDto>>(notificationDefinitions);

            var subscribedNotifications = (await _notificationSubscriptionManager
                .Select(ns => ns.NotificationName)

            output.Notifications.ForEach(n => n.IsSubscribed = subscribedNotifications.Contains(n.Name));

            return output;

        public async Task UpdateNotificationSettings(UpdateNotificationSettingsInput input)
            await SettingManager.ChangeSettingForUserAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications, input.ReceiveNotifications.ToString());

            foreach (var notification in input.Notifications)
                if (notification.IsSubscribed)
                    await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);                    
                    await _notificationSubscriptionManager.UnsubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);


/*We have called this function on Document save method:*/

await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.NewDocumentCreated, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

/*We have called this function on change of Document type:*/

await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.DocumentTypeChanged, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

We have passed required dynamic fields values in notification data object.

In database, subscriptions and tenant notifications are populating fine still it is creating issues in Notifications.

  1. What is "document type change"? Comment: We have one dropdown for "document type". Whenver any user change document type from its initial value we have to send notification.

For eg. I have created one document "MyLicenseDoc" with "DocType1". Now in edit mode, I have changed it to "DocType2". So in this case, all subscribed users will get notification.

  1. We have called this function on Document save method: was this done via Entity Change Handler? Comment: No. We have just called PublishAsync method when our update method is called.
private async Task<CreateOrEditDocumentDto> Update(CreateOrEditDocumentDto input)
    var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(AbpSession.GetUserId().ToString());
    var document = await _documentRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.Id);
    var oldDocumentType = document.DocumentyTypeName;                       

    var documentMappedEntity = ObjectMapper.Map(input, document);
    await _documentRepository.UpdateAsync(documentMappedEntity);
    await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();            

   if(oldDocumentType != documentMappedEntity.DocumentTypeName)
	/*Send notification for Document type update to all subscribed users*/
   return ObjectMapper.Map<CreateOrEditDocumentDto>(documentMappedEntity);

public async Task NotificationForDocumentTypeChangedAsync(User createdByUser, CreateOrEditDocumentDto notificationForDocumentDto)
		/*Set Notification data for dynamic localization string and set parameters for Notification message text*/
                var notificationData = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData(
                    new LocalizableString(

                notificationData["documentName"] = notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name;
                notificationData["documentType"] = notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.DocumentTypeName;
                notificationData["user"] = createdByUser.FullName;

                //Write logs
                Logger.Info("document type changed notification Publish Notification Start: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);

                await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.DocumentTypeChanged, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

                Logger.Info("document type changed notification Publish Notification End: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);
	catch(Exception ex)
	       var errorMessage = ex.Message;

/*=====================.xml file========================*/

<text name="DocumentTypeChangedNotificationMessage" value="Document type changed to {documentType} for Document: {documentName} by {user}"></text>

public const string DocumentTypeChanged = "App.DocumentTypeChanged";


/* Document create */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create)

/* Document type update */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("DocumentTypeChangedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Edit)

@ismcagdas Please check this comment in same thread for code.


/=====================.xml file========================/

<!-- Notification Definition -->

<text name="NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition" value="On Document creation"></text>

<!-- Notification Message -->

<text name="NewDocumentCreatedNotificationMessage" value="New Document - New Document {documentName} type of {documentCategory} - {documentType} is created for {entity} with Expiration {ExpirationDate} by {createdByUser}"></text>


/* Document create */ context.Manager.Add( new NotificationDefinition( AppNotificationNames.NewDocumentCreated, displayName: L("NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition"), permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create) ) );


public async Task<GetNotificationSettingsOutput> GetNotificationSettings() { var output = new GetNotificationSettingsOutput();

output.ReceiveNotifications = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync&lt;bool&gt;(NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications);            

var notificationDefinitions = (await _notificationDefinitionManager.GetAllAvailableAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier()));

output.Notifications = ObjectMapper.Map&lt;List&lt;NotificationSubscriptionWithDisplayNameDto&gt;>(notificationDefinitions);

var subscribedNotifications = (await _notificationSubscriptionManager
	.Select(ns => ns.NotificationName)

output.Notifications.ForEach(n => n.IsSubscribed = subscribedNotifications.Contains(n.Name));

return output;


public async Task UpdateNotificationSettings(UpdateNotificationSettingsInput input) { await SettingManager.ChangeSettingForUserAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications, input.ReceiveNotifications.ToString());

foreach (var notification in input.Notifications)
	if (notification.IsSubscribed)
		await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);                    
		await _notificationSubscriptionManager.UnsubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);



[AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create)] private async Task<CreateOrEditDocumentDto> Create(CreateOrEditDocumentDto input) { var document = ObjectMapper.Map<Document>(input); await _documentRepository.InsertAsync(document); await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();

 var createOrEditDocumentDto = ObjectMapper.Map&lt;CreateOrEditDocumentDto&gt;(document);

 /*Send Document Created Notification to all subscribed users*/
 await _appNotifier.NewDocumentCreatedAsync(await GetCurrentUserAsync(), GetDtoForDocumentCreatedNotification(EntityTypeEnums.Document,createOrEditDocumentDto, documentTypedata.Name));



/Send Notification for Document Create event/ public async Task NewDocumentCreatedAsync(User createdByUser, NotificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto) { try { /Set Notification data for dynamic localization string and set parameters for Notification message text/ var notificationData = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData( new LocalizableString( "NewDocumentCreatedNotificationMessage", LoadStopConsts.LocalizationSourceName ) );

	notificationData["documentName"] = notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name;		
	notificationData["createdByUser"] = createdByUser.FullName;

	//Write logs
	Logger.Info("New document Publish Notification Start: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);

	await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.NewDocumentCreated, notificationData, null,
		NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

	Logger.Info("New document Publish Notification End: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);

catch (Exception ex)
	var errorMessage = ex.Message;



If you are not able to reproduce issue then can you try by hosting your test application on Azure server? as we are facing issue only on live server.

public class AppNavigationProvider : NavigationProvider
        public const string MenuName = "App";
        public const string MenuTopName = "AppTop";

        private readonly IAbpSession session;

        public AppNavigationProvider(IAbpSession session)
            session = session;
public override void SetNavigation(INavigationProviderContext context)
            var menu = context.Manager.Menus[MenuName] = new MenuDefinition(MenuName, new FixedLocalizableString("Main Menu"));
                .AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
                        url: "App/HostDashboard",
                        icon: "flaticon-line-graph",
                        requiredPermissionName: AppPermissions.PagesAdministrationHostDashboard,
                        featureDependency: new SimpleFeatureDependency(true, AppFeatures.EnableTracking),
                        isVisible: (session.MultiTenancySide != MultiTenancySides.Host)
public override void PreInitialize()

We are working on creation of menu dynamically. in MenuItemDefinition there is property isVisible that show/hide menu in the web app we have use session based condition in that.

Our problem is that , when app is started this menu is register using PreInitialize() method. when it goes to AppNavigationProvider class , session value is (session.MultiTenancySide = "Host") because session is null when app is startup. on that bases whole menu item's visible property is set to false , and that menu will not shown to any user, either user is host user or tenant user

Surprisingly featureDependency works dynamically for every user.

could you please help me to solve this issue?


Could you please show me how can i override INavigationManager and use isvisible property with session variable ?

We have enable multi-tenancy in our application. In our application we need to display logo(custom logo uploaded by Tenant) on header as well as on some other pages. We have checked that there is one method "GetLogo()" in TenantCustomizationController. This controller exists in Web.Core project.

In "GetLogo()" method, tenantId is retrieved from AbpSession.GetTenantId(). And this tenantId will be passed to database for getting Image bytes from AbpBinaryObjects table. But in our system, we are getting AbpSession.GetTenantId()= null so logo (uploaded by Tenant) is not being displayed.

We are calling HeaderViewModel method "GetLogoUrl" which calls "GetLogo" from TenantCustomizationController. We are getting all values in LoginInformations.Tenant but not in TenantCustomizationController.

Please let us know how should we resolve this.

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