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Activities of "razkhan78"

Thank you for quick response. Now I understand all scenarios. I have one more query regarding Publish Notification.

-It is working fine in local and server too. But in server sometimes it is sending notifications twice. 1st is with IST(local system time from where we are testing system) and 2nd is with UTC time(server time). In database also, AbpTenantNotifications table is having two rows with different CreationTime values. Can you help me in this issue?

Code is working fine and we have not called Publish notification method twice still it is calling two times sometimes.

Please let us know your response.


No, we have only on 1 instance.

We have added seperate Notification definitions for each Entity and created generalized Publish notification methods for all including below methods. -"CommonMethodHelper.GetNotificationNameFromEntity" will get Notification name as per given entity. -"CommonMethodHelper.GetNotificationTextLocalizationString" will get Notification text message with provided dynamic parameters -"GetEntityTypeByEntityName" will get Entity Type(Document) from given Entity name(string)

We have debugged code found that and NewEntityCreatedAsync is called only one time. Issue is, this error is not occuring always. So we are not able to track this. Still we will add logs for these methods and try once.

Thank you

Hi @ismcagdas, We have added logs and there is only one log for "NewEntityCreatedAsync" method. We have also added logs before and after "PublishAsync" method but only one log is created.

Please let us know how can we track this issue.

We are facing this issue only in our server. In Local, everything is working fine. We have hosted our application on Azure. Is there any setting that we might need to do for Notifications in Azure?

All fields in AbpTenantNotifications table are same except "CreationTime".


/* Document create */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create)

/* Document type update */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("DocumentTypeChangedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Edit)


	public async Task<GetNotificationSettingsOutput> GetNotificationSettings()
            var output = new GetNotificationSettingsOutput();

            output.ReceiveNotifications = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications);

            /*Get general notifications, not entity related notifications*/
            //var notificationDefinitions = (await _notificationDefinitionManager.GetAllAvailableAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier())).Where(nd => nd.EntityType == null);

            /*Get all notifications (general+entity related)*/
            var notificationDefinitions = (await _notificationDefinitionManager.GetAllAvailableAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier()));

            output.Notifications = ObjectMapper.Map<List<NotificationSubscriptionWithDisplayNameDto>>(notificationDefinitions);

            var subscribedNotifications = (await _notificationSubscriptionManager
                .Select(ns => ns.NotificationName)

            output.Notifications.ForEach(n => n.IsSubscribed = subscribedNotifications.Contains(n.Name));

            return output;

        public async Task UpdateNotificationSettings(UpdateNotificationSettingsInput input)
            await SettingManager.ChangeSettingForUserAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), NotificationSettingNames.ReceiveNotifications, input.ReceiveNotifications.ToString());

            foreach (var notification in input.Notifications)
                if (notification.IsSubscribed)
                    await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);                    
                    await _notificationSubscriptionManager.UnsubscribeAsync(AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(), notification.Name);


/*We have called this function on Document save method:*/

await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.NewDocumentCreated, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

/*We have called this function on change of Document type:*/

await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.DocumentTypeChanged, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

We have passed required dynamic fields values in notification data object.

In database, subscriptions and tenant notifications are populating fine still it is creating issues in Notifications.

  1. What is "document type change"? Comment: We have one dropdown for "document type". Whenver any user change document type from its initial value we have to send notification.

For eg. I have created one document "MyLicenseDoc" with "DocType1". Now in edit mode, I have changed it to "DocType2". So in this case, all subscribed users will get notification.

  1. We have called this function on Document save method: was this done via Entity Change Handler? Comment: No. We have just called PublishAsync method when our update method is called.
private async Task<CreateOrEditDocumentDto> Update(CreateOrEditDocumentDto input)
    var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(AbpSession.GetUserId().ToString());
    var document = await _documentRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.Id);
    var oldDocumentType = document.DocumentyTypeName;                       

    var documentMappedEntity = ObjectMapper.Map(input, document);
    await _documentRepository.UpdateAsync(documentMappedEntity);
    await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();            

   if(oldDocumentType != documentMappedEntity.DocumentTypeName)
	/*Send notification for Document type update to all subscribed users*/
   return ObjectMapper.Map<CreateOrEditDocumentDto>(documentMappedEntity);

public async Task NotificationForDocumentTypeChangedAsync(User createdByUser, CreateOrEditDocumentDto notificationForDocumentDto)
		/*Set Notification data for dynamic localization string and set parameters for Notification message text*/
                var notificationData = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData(
                    new LocalizableString(

                notificationData["documentName"] = notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name;
                notificationData["documentType"] = notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.DocumentTypeName;
                notificationData["user"] = createdByUser.FullName;

                //Write logs
                Logger.Info("document type changed notification Publish Notification Start: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);

                await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.DocumentTypeChanged, notificationData, null,
                    NotificationSeverity.Info, null, excludedUserIds: new[] { createdByUser.ToUserIdentifier() });

                Logger.Info("document type changed notification Publish Notification End: " + notificationForNewDocumentCreatedDto.CreateOrEditDocumentDto.Name);
	catch(Exception ex)
	       var errorMessage = ex.Message;

/*=====================.xml file========================*/

<text name="DocumentTypeChangedNotificationMessage" value="Document type changed to {documentType} for Document: {documentName} by {user}"></text>

public const string DocumentTypeChanged = "App.DocumentTypeChanged";


/* Document create */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("NewDocumentCreatedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Create)

/* Document type update */
	new NotificationDefinition(
        displayName: L("DocumentTypeChangedNotificationDefinition"),
        permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Documents_Edit)
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