Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "rdcinformatics"


we just download our first program from aspnetzero. The solution builds with no problem. Angular UI is ok but when we start debugging the android or ios mobile application we get the below error. We haven't made any changes to the project yet.

Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: 'No component for supporting the service MyProject.ApiClient.IAccessTokenManager was found'

When we run the app (without debug) it crashes.

Hi, we are setting up our core services on IIS 10. When we call our api's from the xamarin app (android) we get the error Java.IO.IOException: stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR. Is there a fix for these;


we use ASP NET Zero Power tools to create our entities. All lookuptables crashes with errors because we see on all services generated code the below code

         var query = _lookup_yyyRepository.GetAll()
            .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Filter), e=> e.PropertyName1.ToString().Contains(input.Filter)|| e.PropertyName2.ToString().Contains(input.Filter));

which cannot run if propertyName1 or propertyName2 has value. PropertyName1, PropertyName2 are strings

AspNetZero version 8.0.0 PowerTools


we are using aspnetzero v.8.0 for our multitenant application. We need to import thousands of users from excel in specific times of the year. We test the import with 10000 users and we are very disappointed from the performance and the time it takes. We stopped the procedure on 40 minutes. The import started with 2 users per second and on 30 minutes it has come to 0.7 per second (only 2000 users imported) and as we noticed it is always getting reduced as the time passed. Is it another way to do this import more quickly (using for example sqlbulkcopy)?

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