Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ricardo"

AspNetCore V13.0.0.0

when we select a user to start a conversation, the screen goes blank. I couldn't identify any errors.


Audit logs do not document that changes were made by someone else:


ImpersonatorUserId was saved correctly:

Log Screen:

AspNetCore V13.0.0.0



npm run build command is failing as per below error. I'm using DevExtreme components from devexpress, and I might be doing something wrong. Can you help me?

Note: npm run create-bundles works normally

I use aspnetcore


  "output": "view-resources/Areas/App/Views/_Bundles/app-layout-libs.min.css",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/css",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/css/icons",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/css/fonts",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [
  "outputFolder": "devextreme/js",
  "input": [

Hello, how are you?

We are facing some issues while setting up our solution to deploy throug Azure Pipelines. Following the procedures specified in official documentation hosted here (, but it seems outdated.

Recents changes to Azure DevOps solution have removed the Classic Editor option, and now its enforced to use YAML, whatever the deployment method has been chosen. Can some professional assist us on how to deploy by the YAML method? Or sent us an updated documentation.

Best Regards Paulo Estraich



Does Aspnet zero support the use of Hangfire Pro? Do I need to perform any different configuration? Could you guide me.

I'm using AspNetCore Mvc




I'm using mvc version 13.0.

datetime fields are not being converted to the time zone defined in host settings.

added in PreInitialize for CoreModule: Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;

the values are correctly saved in UTC in the database, but when retrieved in a query and displayed in HTML they continue to show in UTC

the converted value should be 12/01/2024 09:02:24

Hi, After updating to V13, NotificationPublisher is generating the following error:

ERROR 2024-01-11 16:07:23,657 [orker] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Can not set TenantId to 0 for IMustHaveTenant entities! Abp.AbpException: Can not set TenantId to 0 for IMustHaveTenant entities! at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.CheckAndSetMustHaveTenantIdProperty(Object entityAsObj) at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.ApplyAbpConceptsForAddedEntity(EntityEntry entry, Nullable1 userId, EntityChangeReport changeReport) at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.ApplyAbpConcepts(EntityEntry entry, Nullable1 userId, EntityChangeReport changeReport) at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.ApplyAbpConcepts() at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Abp.Zero.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpZeroCommonDbContext3.SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Uow.EfCoreUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync() at Abp.Notifications.NotificationStore.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<<InsertNotificationAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Abp.Domain.Uow.UnitOfWorkManagerExtensions.WithUnitOfWorkAsync(IUnitOfWorkManager manager, Func1 action, UnitOfWorkOptions options) at Abp.Notifications.NotificationStore.InsertNotificationAsync(NotificationInfo notification) at Abp.Notifications.NotificationPublisher.PublishAsync(String notificationName, NotificationData data, EntityIdentifier entityIdentifier, NotificationSeverity severity, UserIdentifier[] userIds, UserIdentifier[] excludedUserIds, Nullable`1[] tenantIds, Type[] targetNotifiers)

my code

public async Task SendSolicitacaoColaboradorMessageAsync(UserIdentifier user, string message, NotificationSeverity severidade) { await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.SolicitacoesColaborador, new MessageNotificationData(message), severity: severidade, userIds: new[] { user } ); }

await _appNotifier.SendSolicitacaoColaboradorMessageAsync(new UserIdentifier((int)AbpSession.TenantId, userId), $"mesage {Solicitacao.DataInicial}", Abp.Notifications.NotificationSeverity.Success);


I'm implementing the shiny package for background tasks and notifications in the maui app (XAML), but I am getting error when I try to inject the services:


Register Service:


Am I forgetting something to register the service?

my module:


What is the current version of metronic used? I would like to use KeenIcons . I would like to use KeenIcons and also download the latest version of metronic Thanks.


I am trying to compile the MAUI application and it is generating the two errors indicated in the image.

Visual studio is also not showing the android emulators and also my physical device. For Xamarin Apps the devices are displayed correctly.

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