I sent an email with a link to the source code
I have tried that before and it did not work either. Seems odd to me. I would get $ is not defined
the files are under Areas/App/Views/FormQuestionaire.
I have tried to add JQuery to my page but than I get other errors that pop up. So I assumed it was added by default somewhere within the project.
What is the proper way to add JQuery?
I agree an update would be nice
we figured out the issue late last night
I did and I followed it, but when I publish I get internal error but no indication of where the error is or logs that I can find.
Thanks. I am not wanting to use that theme. I am wanting to make the background color darker so you can see the box around forms/grid. What I am working with seems to blend in and its hard to see the different sections/forms. So I would like to change the color or set a setting so it will pop out more. Any thoughts?
is there a way for the error to get returned/passed to the api so we know the error at time of execution?
where do I check the log? from the console it's not showing any