@exlnt you can use the output directly in your page or the layout of many pages.
<script abp-src="/view-resources/Areas/AppAreaName/Views/_Bundles/my-custom-bundle-output.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
note that min.js
is handled (according to environment) via *ScriptSrcTagHelper
in ANZ project so that you do not need to handle non-minified and minified files yourself
Hi, you can check if the token is persisted by calling IDataStorageService.RetrieveAuthenticateResult()
Upon login sucessfully, token will be mapped to AuthenticationResultModel
and persisited.
See https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/a99934d7851ff4b55a88d3df1ab9457afd25a9be/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Application.Client/ApiClient/AccessTokenManager.cs#L61-L64
Hi, it seems to be import issue with angular, https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/23609
can you share the relevant code for you issue?
Hi, are you using redis or any other caching provider?
The cached impersonation token seems to be missing when logging in as the impersonator.
Features for an edition is only set when creating a new edition, therefore, newly added features will not be added to old editions.
You proceed with either of the following:
yes, localization extension only works for localization files with the same name.
can you share the exception stacktrace?
Hi, if you create the feature after you have signed up for an edition, it will only be added to new edition when you changing from the current edition.
Depends on your requirements of child tenant.
If you only need data/permission separation; then OU can be used. Other than that, OU will not be recommended.