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Not sure if you solved this yet or not, but thought I'd post my findings here in case it helps someone. I just went through setting this up and found this posting:

The most important part of it is that the credentials are not your credentials for the SendGrid site. You first need to create an API Key here:

NOTE: Make sure to save the generated value as you can never get it back

Then for the SMTP credentials use the following:

Username: apikey (this is the same for everyone as per the first url) Password: {apikey value you generated}

Also, the post mentions a couple of different ports that are available. Both 25 and 587 worked for me. Port 465 with SSL checked also worked for me. I hope this helped.

@ismcagdas - Metronic 7 has been released, is there an ETA when AspNet Zero will support it?

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