Hi ismcagdas , is there any table for TenantAddOnFeatures that or I need to create new one
What is your product version? 11.0.0
What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET 6
Hi in the highlighted section, in web site it is mention that it will navigates you to front end application, does it work with sub domains as well becuase I have tried to copy the logic of the login form web.public > HeaderViewComponent and added the another conteroller in web.host and pasted the logic there. I have to do that becuase I do not want another service to be publish. After coping the logic it is working fine If there is not sub domain i.e it working fine with tenant switcher but when I am enabling the sub domain and instad of url I am using tenant url ,it is not working, Could you please help us on this issue.
Note : Sub domain = tenant specfic URL
code which I have copied and modifed and we have added the login button in on the public web site in which we are using super admin api end point to for checking the tenantId, but every time we are getting null. Please provide a solution asap.
var tenancyName = "";
var customDomin = "";
if (_abpSession.TenantId.HasValue)
var tenant = await _tenantManager.GetByIdAsync(_abpSession.GetTenantId());
tenancyName = tenant.TenancyName;
customDomin = tenant.CustomDomain;
var headerModel = new HeaderViewModel();
headerModel.LoginInformations = await _sessionCache.GetCurrentLoginInformationsAsync();
headerModel.IsInHostView = !_abpSession.TenantId.HasValue;
headerModel.Languages = _languageManager.GetActiveLanguages().ToList();
headerModel.CurrentLanguage = _languageManager.CurrentLanguage;
headerModel.CurrentPageName = "Home";
headerModel.IsMultiTenancyEnabled = _multiTenancyConfig.IsEnabled;
headerModel.TenantRegistrationEnabled = await _settingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(AppSettings.TenantManagement.AllowSelfRegistration);
headerModel.AdminWebSiteRootAddress = _webUrlService.GetServerRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/');
headerModel.WebSiteRootAddress = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customDomin) ? _webUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/') : $"https://{customDomin}/";
if (headerModel.LoginInformations.Tenant == null)
return View("NewUser");
return View(headerModel);
please let me know what endpoint should I use, in which user navigate and it will pick the tenancy of that user where user is using tenant specifc url ? Thanks
What is your product version? 11.0.0
What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET 6
Hi, we have two plans once is free forever and other are paids once.
Please help me to solve this issue
Hi @ismcagdas, I have send the required file through email "[email protected]"
Hi @musa.demir sure
Hi @ismcagdas , I have also encounterd the same issue but when I am running the hangfire schedule job at that time I am getting this issue
Hi @ismcagdas https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/10791/Getting-timeout-exception-in-audit-logs#answer-9b53a94b-ce46-34cf-ab05-3a01ea4692ae
sorry we can not share source code with you due to proprietary , we are not allowed to share the code, is there any other way you can suggest it will be helpful , Thanks
Hi @sedulen in prod we have 2885011 recoreds in dev we have 2923830 recoreds in audit logs
What RDBMS platform are you running? Microsoft SqlServer or another platform? = > Microsoft SqlServer
Hi @ismcagdas, yes I am able to reporduced it , the above two images is from my login page and https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/10866/Application-consuming-high-CPU-usage#answer-fedf259a-7b40-2872-fa3e-3a01d541dbda this from azure You can also test it in my local environment, we can not share our code as we are not allowed to shared due to proprietary , we can scheduled a call for this
Hi @ismcagdas , we are deplying our service in azure. Could you please suggest me what algorithm I can use in place of HmacSha256.