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Activities of "shridhar.mole"

I tried by doing reverse order as you said above but didn't work. Can you please check at your end and send me sample code. Because in my application there is lot of primeng-table where they used this [busyIf] but there also the spinner is showing on whole screen.

So I have below div on my html page

<div [busyIf]="loading">
                        <div class="row align-items-center" *ngIf="excelData">
                            <dx-tree-list id="excelData" class="excelData" [dataSource]="excelData.Children"
                                itemsExpr="Children" dataStructure="tree" [showRowLines]="true" [showBorders]="true"
                                [allowColumnResizing]="true" [columnMinWidth]="100" [columnAutoWidth]="true"
                                (onRowPrepared)="onRowUpdated($event)" (onCellPrepared)="onCellPrepared($event)"
                                (onRowExpanding)="onRowExpanding($event)" (onRowCollapsing)="onRowCollapsing($event)"
                                <dxo-sorting mode="none">
                                <dxi-column dataField="Name" caption="reportName" [width]="400">
                                <dxi-column dataField="GLCode" caption="GLCode">

and here is my code

loading: boolean = false;
  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.loading = true;
    this.service.GetFinancialsIncomeStatementData(this.timePeriod).subscribe((data) => {      
      this.apiResult = data;
      this.excelData = JSON.parse(this.apiResult.result);
      this.reportName = this.excelData.Name;
      this.loading = false;
      // this.spinnerService.hide();
    this.customizeColumns = this.customizeColumns.bind(this);

this will show spinner on my entire page, I want to show spinner only on the above div

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