What is the pros and cos for using int or long over GUID in the entity ?
Thank you in advance
Currently i have Asp.netCore + angular targeting the full .net Framework 4.6 , how can i pass to the .NET CORE and is SignalR work now in the .net Core ?
Thank you in advance
I'm new on ASP.NET ZERO (v5.0.4) and i receive an email about V5.0.5 realesed i need to have this version , there is a best approach to do this like : steps to follow , just copy past Code from GitHub or download the project again and copypast my code to the new project ?
Thank in advance.
I add new default values to a table and i need to execute seed method only , any idea ?
Do you have any idea how can i configure Gmail Smtp please?
Thank you.
I need to show profile pictures in the datatable , is that gonna not impact the performance because i will get pictures of the 10 first users or more?
In the create-or-edit-user-modal component :
this._userService.getUserForEdit(userId).subscribe(userResult => {
this.user = userResult.user;
this.roles = userResult.roles;
this.canChangeUserName = this.user.userName !== AppConsts.userManagement.defaultAdminUserName;
this.allOrganizationUnits = userResult.allOrganizationUnits;
this.memberedOrganizationUnits = userResult.memberedOrganizationUnits;
Why make another call to the webapi to get the profilePicture why not do it in the getUserForEdit method ? is related to performance ?
Thank you. simed
<input type="datetime" datePicker [(selectedDate)]="user.startDate" name="startDate" class="form-control"/>
the value in the input is not reflected in the user.startDate ?
user.startDate = undef ?
Any idea please.
Do you have any idea how to make client side pagination with PrimeNg ?
Thank you
Because our projects it's developed to be live :p should we work with https from the beginning or it's not obligatory ?
i want to modify the validation error message for Required do you have any idea plz ?