Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "strix20"

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi @trendline,

ABP's breaking changes are mentioned here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... e/releases</a> and <a class="postlink" href=""> ... o/releases</a>.

We are planning to release AspNet Zero v4.1 next week. If you want to use latest ABP earlier than that, we can try to help you with the errors you are getting.


Do you have an updated release target for 4.1? We have purchased the template and are about to begin development, but we want to wait until the next version is out to avoid a painful upgrade path once we begin customizing the template..


Do you have an updated release date?

We use Quartz almost exclusively for scheduled jobs. It's very easy to set up.

We actually developed a very simple service that combined Quartz with an AWS SQS queue, where quartz would trigger an SQS message, and the service would monitor the SQS queue for messages and respond with jobs accordingly. This allowed us to also manually trigger jobs from our web application, or from other services.

Thanks for the response!

I am curious, what I actually did was this:

services.AddSingleton<IConnectionStringResolver, AzureKeyVaultConnectionStringResolver>();

in my startup.cs.

Is your method preferable? It seems your approach will override only for that module, but I don't know what modules embedded in ABP will be relying on a connection string?

I agree completely.

.Net core 1.1 is NOT production ready. We can't even begin to consider going to production prior to 2.0, and 2.0 will have major changes to the .net standard model.


ABP is open source... you can find all of the ABP code in the public repository.

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... pModule.cs</a>

IdentityServer4 is an OAuth 2.0 Framework to provide authentication as a middleware service. It is designed to support authentication across multiple applications, not a single application with multiple tenants.

You can learn more about IdentityServer4 here:


<cite>ervingayle: </cite> I am using jQuery & .Net Core and hope to move to a continuous deployment model in Azure. So far there are aspnetboilerplate, jquery & .net (aspnetzero) which are being migrated into .net core jquery (aspnetzero). For Development, Staging & Production environments while you specify your configuration for each environment in the solution Azure does not provide specific isolation for an application with these SDLC environments. Essentially to mimic that model you will need to create three App Services applications.

As for continuous integration/deployment, there are some problems with deploying in my case because when the site is in use the ProjectName.Application.dll is use which causes the continuous deployment task to fail. I have even tried setting the app variable to offline (which is not ideal) because it will take the app offline during deployment to free in use files but this also fails.

You may not face this behavior using the Angular version but this has been my experience. Also to note, this is not happening with the .net aspnetzero application.

Have you tried using Team City and Octopus for your CI and automated deployment? The Azure CI in general is pretty bad. TC+Octo will give you much more control.

Do you envision this being a 4.6 release, or being included with 4.5?

Scott Brady wrote up a pretty good overview of how IdentityServer4 can be set up for a more advanced configuration here:


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