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Just tried calling the CreateRestaurantTenant(tenant) using the _tenantRegistrationAppService class and got the same error.

  1. I created a MerchantController
        public IActionResult Index(MerchantIndexViewModel input)
          //Initialize tenant object
          //Call to the API
  1. I am using a slight variation of the original CreateTenant APi adding the additional properties I needed. I kept the [UnitOfWork(IsDisabled=true] attribute on it but I also added an [AllowAnonymous] attrribute. could that be what causes the Current UnitOfWork to be nullified in CreateAsync(tenant)?

I am running the ASP.NET Core & Angular version v9.0.1

I am able to add a tenant using the Swagger call and also from the angular client. However, when I call the same API using the Public website I get an error. I tracked it down to the TenantManager

await CreateAsync(tenant);
await _unitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();

The CreateAsync(tenant) creates the tenant record but it sets _unitOfWorkManager.Current to null.

Does anyone know why this is happening and how to correct it?

Thanks... Terry

Thanks. Yes, that is what I did. It was a little tedious but it works.

Thanks. I added a bit of a hack to the CustomDefaultSchemaIdSelector to differentiate between these two Customer classes for now. It seems to be working.

I don't know whether this solve it for mdframe but I changed the options.CustomSchemaIds(x => x. FullName) which resolved the issue with not being able to run the server code but, after doing an nswag refresh I am getting dozens of compilation errors when doing an npm start.

This fix allowed me to start the server app but after doing a nswag refresh, I am now getting dozens of errors when I do an npm start.

I posted a little too quickly as I found the solution at

I changed options.CustomSchemaIds(SchemaIdSelector); to options.CustomSchemaIds(x => x.FullName);

in the SwaggerExtension CustomDefaultSchemaIdSelector

and I no longer get the error

I'm using version Abp.AspNetCore v5.10.1 using angular I haave been using this application for a while and have recently added some Stripe APIs and have suddenly run into an error when I try to log into swagger and select the "Swagger UI" button I get the error Failed to load API definition Errors Fetch error undefined /swagger/v1/swagger.json

in the log.txt file is the following error. I am not sure what is causing it or how to get rid of it.

INFO 2020-11-15 17:18:33,784 [7 ] NetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware - Sending file. Request path: '/favicon-32x32.png'. Physical path: 'N/A' INFO 2020-11-15 17:18:33,785 [7 ] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics - Request finished in 6.4973ms 200 image/png ERROR 2020-11-15 17:18:34,222 [4 ] nostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware - An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. System.InvalidOperationException: Can't use schemaId "$Customer" for type "$Stripe.Customer". The same schemaId is already used for type "$UnuHub.Orders.Customer" at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaRepository.ReserveIdFor(Type type, String schemaId) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaRepository.GetOrAdd(Type type, String schemaId, Func1 factoryMethod) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.GenerateReferencedSchema(DataContract dataContract, SchemaRepository schemaRepository) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.GenerateSchemaForType(Type type, SchemaRepository schemaRepository) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.GeneratePropertySchema(DataProperty serializerMember, SchemaRepository schemaRepository) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.GenerateObjectSchema(DataContract dataContract, SchemaRepository schemaRepository) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.GenerateInlineSchema(DataContract dataContract, SchemaRepository schemaRepository) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaGenerator.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<GenerateReferencedSchema>b__0() at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SchemaRepository.GetOrAdd(Type type, String schemaId, Func1 factoryMethod)

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks... Terry

I am just selecting the US flag and allowing the defaults. I changed the language to the English flag and got the same thing. The Dto that I pass to the "ExportToFile" has all the numberic fields defined as decimal or decimal?

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