No worries ;)
No, I have not tried it yet. But, I did read your suggested way forward as posted in early 2016. I was just hoping there was now a more "elegant" way to do it.
For my project I have lots of requirements for users to capture data based on predetermined drop downs in forms.
Not sure what the most elegant approach would be (including localization). I would appreciate any tips or tricks from people with experience in implementing this in Abp.
Any update on this old post?
I have resolved the issues. I will try to share my lessons learnt once I complete my Azure experience.
Here is a copy of my current web.config from the Angular project. I have experimented with various combinations of the rewrite rules. But they are currently disabled as it doesn't seem to make much difference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<remove fileExtension=".svg" />
<remove fileExtension=".eot" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
<remove fileExtension=".json" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
The issue seems to be that instead of retrieving the fonts from the root rather than /assets/fonts/poppins/ etc. In other words it looks like a routing issue.
web.config from host:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified"/>
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"/>
No, I have installed it as two different app services...
I should add that all the fonts are being loaded as if they were located in the root:
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... da20.woff2</a>
I have been trying to set up one App Service for Angular and one for ASP.NET Core. It now appears to be working and both services are being built and deployed via VSTS (took a while to sort out how to get the Angular site built and deployed).
However, I have two annoying issues remaining:
21:50:35.144 fontawesome-webfont.af7ae505a9eed503f8b8.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
21:50:35.144 poppins-v5-devanagari_latin-ext_latin-300.01860d964547bc9d93cf.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
21:50:35.601 poppins-v5-devanagari_latin-ext_latin-regular.76e766753becb2b7da20.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
21:50:35.611 poppins-v5-devanagari_latin-ext_latin-600.0d49524ae3304f2876fb.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
21:50:35.622 roboto-v18-vietnamese_latin-ext_latin_greek_cyrillic-ext_greek-ext_cyrillic-500.90d1676003d9c28c0499.woff2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I have followed the advice and amended startup.cs and deleted the Home controller. Unfortunately this didn't fix it and I have spent a lot of time experimented with many different approaches including various rewrite rules in web.config, but nothing seems to fix this and some seem to make things worse.
Any ideas?
Looking in github line 53 in WebClientInfoProvider:
foreach (var hostAddress in Dns.GetHostAddresses(clientIp))
I suspect clientIp could be null because that is called using
var clientIp = httpContext.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ?? httpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
and this method is mentioned here:
See comment:
I tried System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; but it returns null so does ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] – EidolonMK Oct 1 '17 at 18:35