Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "troyfernando"

ok thanks

how do go to last page in paginator and display new record after a Create and Save process

No , I only use paginator from prime ng after searching i found this solution

this.paginator.first = this.paginator.paginatorState.rows * (this.paginator.paginatorState.pageCount-1);

You have existing fields like Creation , Deletion , Last Modification which is automatically updated I want to add Cancelled Date / Time , Cancelled by

{"The column 'RowNumber' was specified multiple times for 't2'.\r\nThe multi-part identifier "t1.RowNumber" could not be bound.\r\nThe multi-part identifier "t1.RowNumber" could not be bound.\r\nThe column 'RowNumber' was specified multiple times for 't'."}

019-10-24 ASP.NET CORE & Angular .NET Core 2.2 v7.2.3

try { var result = new PagedResultDto<GetProductProfileForViewDto>( totalCount, await productProfiles.ToListAsync() ); return result; } catch (Exception err) {

                // error  here ..... 


public async Task Delete(EntityDto input) { int parentID = _estimatecuttinglistRepository.FirstOrDefault(input.Id).parentID;

        _estimatecuttinglistRepository.Delete(input.Id);      --    records not deleted
        await Updateitemno(parentID, true);                         --    executed


I having problem when deleting records after i insert the Updateitemno command.

No errors found. it seems updateitemno method is affecting the delete command. it works when i remove updateitemno method.

public Task Updateitemno(int parentID, bool isNew) { DNEthanRepositoryExtensions.updateitemno<Estimatecuttinglist, int>(_estimatecuttinglistRepository, parentID, isNew); return Task.CompletedTask; }

    public static void updateitemno&lt;TEntity, TPrimaryKey&gt;(this IRepository&lt;TEntity, TPrimaryKey&gt; repository, int parentID , bool isNeworDelete) where TEntity : class, IEntity&lt;TPrimaryKey&gt;, IMayHaveItemno
        if (!isNeworDelete)
        var item = from db in repository.GetAll()
                   where db.parentID == parentID
                   orderby db.itemno 
                   select db;
        int itemno = 1;
        foreach (var row in item)
            row.itemno = itemno;
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